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Arthit took out his phone when it buzzed. The screen displayed 'message from bossypants'

K: I'm really sorry Arthit, I just wanted you to stay yesterday, I was just pretty tensed about today.

A: You shouldn't have lied!

K: Would you have stayed if I didn't?

Kong was indeed right. Arthit would have never stayed if he had not lied.

A: Agh I don't know! But you just shouldn't have lied.

K: I'm sowwwiee! Please forgive me this last timeee.... I will compensate with anything....

Anything he says? Arthit's mind listed infinite number of random things.

Don't touch me too much.

What about your position?

Oh yep, your flat!

Don't use those heart fluttering words.

Your phone?

The food!


What should I ask forrr?!!

The violation of contract?

The secret room of the office?

Sleep with me.

Wait whatatt!? What did I just think!?

No shoooooo! Don't don't. Never in my lifeee.

Arthit decided to save it for later. There's so much he wants to ask for, but he wants to use this chance wisely.

A: I'll save it for later then.

K: Ah as you wish :(

Arthit didn't realise when he fell asleep in the car. It was getting dark, and they still hadn't reached Pattaya city.

"I think we should stay at some hotel now, and continue our journey tomorrow morning. It's quite difficult to drive at night." Yong suggested.

Kong and Earth agreed on this. Arthit wasn't aware what was going on, since he was too busy in doing his favourite job. Sleeping.

After a while, they reached a hotel. Kong asked Yong and Earth to make bookings. They got out of the car.

Kong gently patted Arthit's shoulder.
"Hey arthit....wake up! We're here."

"Uhhh.... already??" Arthit woke up lazily. He rubbed his eyes and pouted.

"We'll be staying at a hotel today. We'll continue tomorrow morning. Let's go..."
Kong moved his hand towards Arthit, but Arthit jerked away.

" You can't touch me, remember?" Arthit reminded Kong.

"I know I can't, but we're out of the city now. So the contract isn't valid here." Kong shrugged.

"Hey! Unfair!" Arthit threw his hands in air like a baby and went on blabbering. Kong bit his lip. Damn he was so tempted by Arthit.

Kong ignored Arthit's random ranting and started heading to the hotel.

"Hey waittttttt!" Arthit quickly undid his seatbelt and followed Kong.

Kong reached the hotel reception where Yong and Earth looked a bit worried.

"Oh sir you're here.....well I guess we'll have to share rooms. There are only 2 rooms left."

Kong thought for a while. This is a great chance, he can share room with Arthit, can cuddle with him again.

"Yeah we can do it! You and Yong, me and Arthit." Kong smirked looking at Arthit.

Arthit quickly interrupted,"Oh sir I snore while sleeping. I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep. I'll go with Earth, it's really important for you to be most energetic."

"No Arthit it's alright! I'm fine with you!"
Kong tried to protest. He never wanted that. Arthit and Earth? No fricking wayy!
Why is Arthit avoiding me? Does he really hate me that much? And like that Earth more than me?

"No sir, I'm sorry I can't do that." Arthit is stubborn. He would never sleep with Kong again. His experience last time wasn't very pleasing. He cuddled with him, and gave him five minutes. Heck the contract is not valid here. Kong would take full advantage of the situation. Arthit can't let that happen.

"Okay so decided. Arthit, you and Earth.  Me and sir." Yong interrupted.

Kong hated the idea. But he can't openly protest. He didn't want Arthit to feel awkward, especially Infront of his friends.

Everybody went to their rooms. Arthit's phone rang.

A: "Hello?"

Arthit heard that lady's voice again.

L: "Hello Sir, I wanted to confirm if you'll be attending tomorrow's meeting?"

A: "Oh yes we'll reach Pattaya city by tomorrow."

L: "Okay sir. Goodnight."

A: "Wait! I'm curious to know about you. I think your voice seems familiar. Do you mind introducing yourself?"

Arthit was curious indeed. This voice had been troubling him for days.

L: "Oh if that's the case, I think we'll get to know that tomorrow. I'll be there too. If you know me, you'll identify me."

The call ended. Arthit was left curious again. What if the lady is actually the one Arthit is thinking of?

Hey people! Another update. Who's that lady? What do you think??😙😙


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