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"What happened sir? Why are you so distracted?" Yong asked Kong.  They were already in their room. Something was bothering Kong. He was thinking of Arthit. Will Arthit share bed with Earth? Will he cuddle with him? What are they doing right now?

On the other hand, Arthit was wondering if he should actually share bed with Earth. Well he's okay with that, he shared bed with Kong last night! But then, why is he feeling guilty? Why was he feeling so uneasy?

Arthit decided to go to terrace for a walk.

"Hey Earth, I'll be back in a while." Arthit went out of the room, heading towards the lift.

It was a cold night. It had a special kind of blackness, with the twinkling stars hugging the sky.

Arthit saw a familiar figure standing near the terrace fence.

A: "Hey Kong! Why are you here?"

Kong was surprised to see Arthit there, something he had been internally wishing for.

"Did you .....follow me by any chance?" Arthit doubted Kong. Them meeting on the terrace at the same time,how can it be coincidence?

"Yeah, I often follow my dreams." Kong teased Arthit and moved back his gaze to the beautiful view of city lights he had been staring.

"Such an idiot." Arthit rolled his eyes.

"Arthit....what do you really think about me?" Kong asked Arthit randomly.

"You are the most idiotic and irritating person I've ever met." Arthit said jokingly.

"Really? Is that what you think?" Kong gave Arthit a sad smile.

Arthit immediately regretted it. He shouldn't have said that to Kong. His feelings towards Kong, can't be defined. He felt better whenever he was around Kong. But this growing attachment wasn't right. He was confused with his feelings.

"Ah Kong.....I'm sor-" Arthit wanted to apologize. Kong had always supported him no matter what.

"I think Arthit, you should start liking me. I'm afraid I'll be tired of chasing you very soon." Kong's face had serious expression. He wasn't joking this time. He looked at Arthit for one last time, and left.

Arthit felt a pang in his chest. He couldn't believe what he heard just now.

Tired of me? Didn't he say he liked me?

I should not have believed him.

But isn't he right? I've been avoiding him

Will he really get tired of me?

I should be less rude to him.

I am not sure if I like him, but I'm sure that I can't just let him go.

Next morning, Arthit thought things will get different with Kong. He saw Kong coming towards him.

Arthit be normal.

Talk politely.

Don't be rude.

Don't mess it up.

Just don't--

"Hi sexy" Kong moved closer and almost whispered to Arthit. Arthit could feel butterflies rushing in his stomach.

"Fuck off." Haha Arthit is really polite here.

"No I'll do it only with you." It sounded like Kong was assuring Arthit.

"Whatever." Arthit shrugged and left.

After they reached Pattaya city, they didn't have time to even refreshen themselves. They were late, so they directly went to the meeting place. All this time, Arthit had been curious to meet that lady. Her voice had a sense of familiarity.

As soon as they reached their destination, Arthit was desperate to go to the Drakers and meet the lady.

A: "Kong I'll be back....I have some work to do."

Kong just simply nodded.

Arthit quickly went to check where the Drakers were.

"Excuse me? May I ask where are the Drakers? I'm from Kongarthas." Arthit asked a lady from the reception.

"Oh they booked a room here. Room 545"

Arthit immediately headed to the room. He was nervous, because he was going to enter the rival company's room, but he couldn't wait anymore.

As soon as he entered the room, he was shook. She was actually there. Jaidee. The person he wanted to be with a month ago. He wasn't wrong in recognising her voice. He didn't know how to feel. Delighted? Because he finally found her...

Arthit was busy in his own thoughts, when Jaidee finally noticed him. She excused herself and made her way to Arthit.

"Hey Arthit! How are youuuu?!  Long time no see! What are you doing hereeee??" Jaidee sounded really excited.

"Jaidee! Where have you been? Why did you suddenly move out? You should have told me!! I tried to contact you but your phone was unreachable." Arthit asked so many questions altogether.

"Ah Arthit...long story.  I'll explain everything later." Jaidee sighed.

"No tell me--"

"You need not know that Arthit." Kong interrupted their conversation. Arthit could clearly see the jealousy on his face. He felt like being caught cheating.

"Hey Jaidee! How are you?" Kong moved his gaze to Jaidee.

Arthit was confused. How did Kong know Jaidee?

Hey people! It's been a while...how are you guys doing????


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