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When the office hours got over, Kong looked at Arthit who was waiting for the taxi. Kong moved to him with all the power left inside him. He stood beside Arthit . Arthit noticed his presence , but he ignored him.

" Why are you doing this to me Arthit." Kong sighed.

" What ? What are you talking about ?" Arthit replied, smirking, without looking at him.

"YOU ARE TESTING MY PATIENCE ! " Kong stressed on each word he spoke.

" Uh ? How " Arthit was intentionally annoying Kong.

" I swear Arthit , if it was not your stupid contract , I'd have fucked the life out of you. " Kong said bluntly , noticing Arthit tensing up a little.

Arthit took a deep breath and restored his confidence. He faced Kong , and stepped closer , until his face is exactly beside Kong's , and Kong stood there , rooted to the spot. Arthit noticed Kong's breath rate increasing. He turned his face , in such a way that his lips are just a few centimetres away from Kong's ear.

" Waiting." Arthit spoke very slowly , taking an eternity to say that one word. Arthit moved away , and called a taxi. However Kong couldn't move from his spot. He stayed there , with his eyes wide open and his mouth ajar.

Kong couldn't sleep all night. The scenes kept repeating in his mind. Arthit was really driving him crazy. He was surprised how his mind stopped working when Arthit seduced him today. Though it was a complete torture to Kong, But he wanted more. He wanted more from Arthit.

Next day , when Kong was leaving for the office , he peeked inside Arthit's house. Arthit was near dressing table , getting ready. He was wearing black shirt today. He had set his hair to his usual hairstyle. However he left many buttons undone . Kong did not like this at all , though he knew Arthit was trying to get on his nerves , and he was doing all this for him , But he was going to the office , where so many people want to hit on him after yesterday , including Earth. His milky white skin is too inviting and Arthit is too innocent to understand.

I need to end this today. I cannot let Arthit extend this anymore. More the number of days, more the people eyeing him. I cannot let that happen. I'll make you regret this, Arthit.

Kong thought of a plan in his mind , and smiled to himself. Without wasting any time , he headed towards the office.

The situation in the office was same as yesterday. Everybody was focused to their work . Arthit was about to enter the office through the main door , when the security guard stopped him.

" Hey ! Kong sir has asked me to inform you that he wants you to come directly to his cabin , not from the main door ."

Arthit understood Kong wanted him to come through the secret door. But why ? The secret door was supposed to be used in emergency. Only Arthit knew about this . Arthit walked to the door located behind the office , which is used as emergency exit. He followed the passage behind the door and slid a big scenery to the right side. And there he saw the passage to the secret underground room , which Kong's father made specifically for the times when he worked overtime . The room was very large , and was Arthit's favourite place . It had a king size bed with most comfortable mattress. If Arthit could ask for a wish , he'd wish to be able to sleep there.

Arthit climbed up the stairs in the room, which lead him to Kong's office finally.

Arthit kept standing there for a minute, but it seems like Kong never noticed him coming. To grab Kong's attention , Arthit finally spoke.

" Hey Kong , why did you want me to come through the secret passage ?"

Kong looked up at Arthit , and back again at his files.

" I was checking if you really know about it" Kong replied , expressionlessly.

Arthit was a bit confused. He didn't get the reaction Kong gave him yesterday. He took out his mobile to check himself again .

" What are you doing Arthit ? Let's start working." Kong questioned Arthit on noticing his actions.

Arthit sat down hesitantly, wondering why is it so different today. Yesterday , the glances that Kong kept taking , all the reactions that he gave him , and the facial expressions and feelings , everything is gone. What's wrong today ?
Arthit unbuttoned another button of his shirt , making his chest completely visible. But Kong didn't even look at him.

" Kong !" Arthit called out desperately.

" Yeah ? Arthit ?" Kong looked up at Arthit.

A : I think it's really hot today. I'm thirsty.

K : oh I'll ask one of the peons to get you water.

A : Yeah.

Why isn't he paying attention to anything I'm doing ? Did he stop caring ? Or is he ignoring me ? What is up with him today ? Why is he acting so weirdly !? But I'm sure , the water plan is going to work. Wait and watch Kong.

Hey guys ! What is Kong upto ? Any guesses ?


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