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Kong stepped forward and suddenly his phone rang. He took out the phone from his pocket .

K: " I'm going to take this call "

A : Sureee !

As soon as he moved out of the flat , Arthit locked the door. He sighed in relief. That was closeee!

Now Arthit seriously started thinking about this problem. He didn't have any problems with the company, but Kong was affecting him too much. First of all , he wasn't a gay. And secondly, Kong and him , seemed a mismatch. He cannot trust Kong.

Arthit called Bright.

A: Hello ?

B : Hey Arthit wassup !

A: Bright ! I wanna ask if there's any vacancy in your company?

B : well yeah? But why do you ask that?

A : I'm thinking of leaving my current job.

B : What !? Is there some problem ?

A : Yeah. Something personal.

B : (chuckling) Why ? Are you going to get banged soon?

A : Bright !!

B : Sorry sorry. I'll send you the details.

Arthit had decided to leave the job. But something was making him reluctant to do so. Maybe because of his promise to Kong's father ? An idea suddenly stroke Arthit's Mind. He went to his room and started working on his laptop.

Next morning, Arthit was really happy. He went to office without any hesitation. What exactly did Arthit plan ?

Arthit went straight to Kong's office. Kong smirked seeing Arthit.

K : What brings you here Arthit? Do you miss m--

A: I'm resigning.

K : what?

A : I want to quit this job.

K (standing up slowly) : Why Arthit? Is there something bothering you ?

A : Not something. Someone.

K : Who ?

A: you.

K : (chuckling) Me ? Really Arthit? I haven't even started yet.

A : And that's why , before you start , I want to quit.

K : Stop this Arthit. Don't go.

A : I won't , on one condition.

K: What condition.

A: wait.

Arthit went out of the cabin and picked a paper from his desk. He went to Kong's office again and handed him the paper.

A : Sign it. I'll stay.

K : What's this?

A: Contract. It clearly states that you will not touch me , anywhere. Not even a slight brush. If you do , I'll quit the job.

K : Why Arthit ? Does that affect you ?

A: No way ! I just get uncomfortable ( rolls his eyes )

K :Ah this is tough ! You're so irresistible baby! How am I going to do it ? Is there any other way ?

A : No. No other way.

K: But this isn't fair Arthit. I cannot touch you. And you can touch me anytime you want.

A : I won't touch you !

K : And what if you do ? I'll be at loss in this. You should play fair , Arthit.

A: Ugh what do you want !

K : I'll sign this contract, but I'll add one statement in this.

A : what ?

K: I won't touch you. But if you to touch me I can.

A : Huh?

K : One slight accidental brush gives me one minute to touch you. Intentional touch gives me five minutes. And if you kiss me , I am free to devour you.

A : Who the hell is kissing you!?

Kong moves closer to Arthit .

K : You never know Arthit. (Winks at him )

Arthit thought for a while. This is a good deal well , because he is not touching Kong in any case. And Kong won't touch him either , and he can continue working in the company.

A: Okay. I agree.

K : Great ! I'll improvise your 'contract' and send you the copy.

A : Alright.

Kong started moving closer to Arthit. Arthit gave him a confused look , didn't he just agree to not touch him ?

K : I won't be able to touch you after this Arthit. Let me touch you just this once.

A : (after thinking ALOT) umm alright.

Now the real fun is going to begin. What do you think guys ? How will Kong resist touching Arthit ?😋😋


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