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Kong started stepping closer to Arthit. 
Arthit squeezed his eyes shut , ready for the torture he was going to get. Although he hated Kong , his close proximity made him uneasy and jumpy. Kong gently placed his hand on Arthit's shoulder , and tilted his head to give him a warm and innocent cheek kiss.

Arthit spectated Kong with a jumbled look , as he wasn't expecting Kong to give him only a cheek kiss. He thought that Kong would take full advantage of this , as he was getting one last chance to touch Arthit. He expected Kong to have deviant thoughts , but whatever is it , he was relieved that he was free and safe from Kong.

Kong asked Arthit raising an eyebrow " Do you want more Arthit? Want me to satisfy you?"

Arthit furrowed his eyebrows and stormed out of kong's office. This is so damn annoying, how the hell Kong gets to know everything he's thinking in his mind. Kong smiled as his eyes followed Arthit mumbling to himself ,going out of his cabin. Arthit is indeed adorable , especially when he mumbles to himself giving numerous expressions in just a minute.

In the afternoon

Arthit was busy working on his laptop. Earth offered him pink milk .

Arthit politely refuses , eyeing the pink milk , he really needed it at that moment. 

Earth chuckles softly ," I know you love it Arthit. Just take it , I know you need it. "
Arthit grinned and took the milk pink from earth.

After a while , an announcement for an urgent meeting is made.

After the meeting is started , Kong informs , " We have received a very beneficial deal option this morning from AP enterprises. However , our rival company , The drakers , is also competing for this deal. In this one week we all have to do our best. "

" Yes ! We'll do this together!!"

Kong looked at Arthit. His innocent smile made Kong fall for him even deeper. How can someone's smile be that alluring !?

"What would be our group's name sir ?"

Kong  thought for a while , and then grinned from ear to ear. He said , eyeing Arthit ," Kongarthas"

Everybody gave Kong a confused look. Even Arthit could not understand what does it mean. 

" Why does this sound so familiar? What does it mean sir ? " Arthit asked out of excitement. Kong said nothing , just winked at Arthit , causing him to think twice , and he realised within seconds what Kong really means by that word.

"N-nevermind. I don't think we should concentrate on this." Arthit glared Kong. " Our boss has an innovative mind. He made it up on his own. " Kong shrugged in response.

Earth suggested ," Oohhhhh , let's celebrate then ! "

K : Sure ! But I need to discuss stuff with Arthit. You people can go , we will join you later.

Arthit pouted on hearing this. He really wanted to go and celebrate with his friends, rather than getting his mind split in infinite parts with Kong.

When everybody was out , Arthit snapped at Kong , " What is it ? Tell me quickly. I want to go too "

Kong smirked,"What's the rush baby ? "

A : Spit it out !!
Arthit can't believe that one word from Kong makes his body shudder . Though he has forbidden Kong to touch him , but Kong his so damn good  with words that he can't deny the fact that it affects him.

K: What do you think about the name ?

A : It's yuck ! The creator of that name is 'yuckerr'.

K : But your name is attached with mine--

A: That's what makes it yuck!

Arthit walked out in disgust , without listening to any of the nonsense from Kong.

In the canteen , everybody was appreciating Kong.

"He's so intelligent! I think we'll get this deal! "

" Yeah ! From what I noticed he's really dedicated towards work."

Arthit mumbled to himself," Dedicated my ass "

"And he is so creative! No wonder he came up with such a brilliant name ! "

Arthit mumbled again , " Hah creative ! He just stole my name. "

" And damn he is so handsome ! "

Arthit rolled his eyes , " He's a loser "

Arthit grabbed everybody's attention on the table . Everybody was confused .

Arthit thought to himself," Shittt ! Did I say it out loud ?!"

To handle the situation, Arthit faked a laugh and said , " I-I meant he is so handsome that he must have lost his heart to someone already"

" That's true ! " Kong entered the canteen , smiling coyly at Arthit.


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