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"Fine I'll help you." Arthit sighed.

Just after a couple of minutes, Kong regretted calling Arthit for help. His room, which used to be perfect in every way, is a complete mess now. Arthit emptied Kong's cupboard, he stuffed the important things into the bag, and unimportant ones were thrown on the floor. Packets of snacks, heap of clothes, toiletries, everything was lying here and there.

Kong tried to stop Arthit, but all in vain. He didn't want more destruction. His room which was as near as a pin a while ago, was now turned upside down by Arthit.

K : "A-arthit..... it's okay! I'll do the rest, you'd get tired.

Arthit replied enthusiastically,"Oh no Kong! I'm very energetic. This much work can't make me tired."

Arthit didn't even bother to separate the things he was packing. He kept stuffing them into the bag.

Kong tried to convince Arthit.

K: "Arthit you must be hungry! Let's go eat something. Leave this, I'll do it.

A: "No Kong I'm full! I've already had my dinner. You can go eat. You can leave this to me"

Arthit was so confident in his packing, that he wasn't realising Kong didn't want him to help further. Kong's effort were of no use.

K: "Leave this.....to you ?"

Ofcourse Kong can't even think of that after all that has happened.

A: "Yesss! Trust me on this! I'm very experienced. I can help you--"

Kong cut him off, "You seem too much into packing my stuff. Are you practising to be my wife?" Kong smirked.

Arthit left everything and started heading back to his place, mumbling something to himself. Kong's plan worked. But he didn't want Arthit to leave.

"Hey where are you going?" Kong asked Arthit.

"I'm going back." Arthit rolled his eyes.

"Oh no you can't. I want you to recheck the files once again. Maybe there's some error?" Kong had already done it thrice, but he wanted Arthit to get involved in something.

"Argh fine." Arthit made his way to Kong's drawing room, while Kong was busy  cleaning his room.

Arthit came into Kong's room after a while and was shocked to see everything back to place, clothes folded in the bag.

"You're such a cleaning freak!" Arthit looked at Kong, who was still busy in folding the rest of the clothes.

"Ofcourse! If wifey has created the mess, husband has to clear it." Kong reasoned out. "And why is your room always so messy?"

Arthit rolled his eyes,"Who are you? My mom?"

Kong smirked, "No. I wanna be your daddy."

Arthit glared at Kong.

Kong questioned again, "But seriously....Why do you like to keep your room messy? "

Arthit replied bluntly, " Oh well if my neighbors plan to kill me out of nowhere then they'd trip over some random thing in my room and die." 

Kong laughed out loud on hearing Arthit's answer. Arthit was shocked to see Kong laughing.
I just insulted him and he's laughing?! He's indeed an idiot.

"Why the hell are you laughing?" Arthit snapped at Kong.

"You're cute wifey!" Kong replied, still laughing.

"Why do you keep calling me wifey!? Do I look like a girl to you?" Arthit snapped.

Faint memories stroke Arthit's head. Do I look like a girl to you?  He had heard this sentence somewhere. A few months back. Ah annoying memories.

"You can be the husband... I'll be your wifey. I don't mind." Kong shrugged.

"There's no point in arguing with you. You're  'assmouthed'." Arthit felt proud on adding a new word to the dictionary.
Assmouthed? Wow Arthit! You're a genius!

Kong chuckled on hearing the new word.
"Assmouthed? What's that Arthit?"

Arthit thought for a while, "You don't need to know that.''

"Why not?" Kong asked curiously.

Arthit continued, "Btw I completed rechecking the files....and you're boring af, so my survival instincts are telling me to leave. See ya tomorrow."

Arthit turned around and started walking again when Kong called out , "Arthit...."

Arthit turned back to Kong and asked in annoyance, " What now !?"

Kong put on a serious face ,"Can't you stay tonight?"

"NO." Arthit said in a clear voice. He didn't want to stay with Kong under the same roof. Office is different, but alone with him!? In his room!? Nah not possible.

"Puhleaaaaaseeeeeeeeeee?" Kong made a puppy face, trying his best to make Arthit stay.

"Why do you want me to stay?" Arthit asked Kong, mesmerized by the expression he just put on.

"I just feel lonely. It's my birthday tomorrow. Just one hour to go?
Nobody knows about it. And if you leave, I'll be left alone." Kong answered in the sweetest voice possible.

Heya people ! Wassup ! I hope you all are safe. What do you think ? Will Arthit do something for Kong's birthday? Will he stay? Ah I so much want Arthit to gift himself to Kong.😋😋😋😋


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