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When Kong tried to remove the hand, the latter pulled him closer. Kong felt butterflies race in his stomach. Even though Arthit was asleep, but this proximity affected Kong. He could feel Arthit's breath fanning his neck. Arthit kept pulling him closer, not wanting to leave any gap between them.

Kong resisted his urge to cuddle back, he couldn't have made it even. He wanted the five minutes he was craving for. It's been days now, and he wanted to touch Arthit.

Next morning, Arthit was awakened by the alarm ringing in his phone. As soon as his eyes opened, he saw Kong's beautiful face just centimetres away from his. Kong was still asleep. He looks so innocent while sleeping. He stared at Kong's face, noting his well toned features covered under his chocolate tanned skin. He shifted his gaze to Kong's lips, inviting his pink lips to meet them.

Arthit unconsciously closed the distance between them, not realising what he was actually doing. Just when he was some millimeters away from his lips, Kong opened his eyes and smirked at Arthit. Arthit quickly moved away, finally noticing his arms and legs trapping Kong.

I hope he didn't see it........I hope he didn't see it.......I hope he didn't see it.....

"Were you just about to steal a kiss?" Kong asked still smirking.

Damn it.

Arthit shot up from the bed, stumbled and landed on the floor with a loud thud.
Kong burst out into laughter.

"Haha very funny." Arthit said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't control." Kong tried hard to control his laughter, but couldn't.

"You're my bad luck, damn it." Arthit got up and sat on the bed again.

Kong moved closer to Arthit,"Do you really not remember anything?"

Arthit's eyes widened when he gave it a thought. Seeing Arthit's expression, Kong thought- I think he got it.

"Oh yeah! Happy birthday Kong! Am I the first person to wish you?" Arthit got excited. He didn't get it. Kong was actually talking about their contract's condition. According to it, Kong gets five minutes to do anything to Arthit.

K: "I wasn't talking about that Arthit."

Arthit furrowed his eyebrows,"Then what?"

"Aren't you going to give me a gift?" Kong asked seductively.

"Nonsense! My wishes are enough." Arthit was tapping something on his phone. He wasn't paying attention to Kong.

"You'll give me my gift in these five minutes." Kong said in a low voice.

"Huh? Dream on." Arthit replied, still tapping on his phone.

"You don't remember the contract? You were just hugging and cuddling. I get to own your body for five mins." Kong stared at Arthit.

Oh shit. Arthit finally stopped tapping looked up. He was shocked to hear that. He totally forgot about the contract.
Damn I'm doomed.

Arthit tried to reason out,"Uh....I have a habit of doing that... I-I usually hug my pillow while sleeping.....y-you can't count this-"

Arthit was shook when Kong's hands slowly travelled along his waist and pulled him into a back hug. Kong ignored Arthit. Arthit couldn't form words. He was too distracted by the sudden attack from Kong.

"K-kong Are y-you..''

Kong slowly blew air in Arthit's ear and whispered,"What baby?" He kept on blowing light air in his ear, making it red.

"A-are you even l-listening.."

Arthit gasped when Kong slightly kissed his earlobe, his hands continuously moving.

"t-to me.." Kong nibbled Arthit's ear gently. Arthit gave up. He HAS to tolerate this. He can't violate contract, or Kong would get free again, to touch him anytime.

Kong continued teasing Arthit, planting kisses on his neck, covering every centimetre. Though he was very very desperate, but he knows his limits. He went back to his earlobe again.

"Are you liking this sweetheart?" Kong whispered while gently biting his earlobe. He made his way down the neck, licking and nibbling the skin. His hands slowly moved up from his stomach to his chest.

Arthit was breathing heavily.

"Ah your heart is beating so fast for me Arthit." Kong said in a very low voice, seducing Arthit.

They were disturbed by a call on Arthit's phone. Arthit checked his phone, it was Ohm. "I-I need to take this call...." Arthit looked at Kong with pleading eyes.

"Answer it." Kong ordered Arthit.

Arthit let out a sigh of relief. Thank God! I'm saved. Kong slowly pulled away his hands.

Ahh stupid Ohm! How dare him disturb them!? Argh!

What's gonna happen next.....Will Kong lose his time again? Will Arthit get to know about Kong's lie about his birthday?

Hehe.......A random note......Due to quarantine, we're extremely bored and do not pay attention how days are passing so quickly.....but did anyone notice that the chapter number synchs with today's date 🙄


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