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"I'm gonna get something to eat" Arthit stood up quickly from his place and walked briskly to the stall. Arthit kept having numerous thoughts and prayers in his mind.

Please tell me he didn't hear that.... please tell me he didn't hear that ...... please tell me he didn't hear that....... no no he can't hear me calling him handsome !? No fricking way--

"Are you thinking about me Arthit?"
Arthit was brought out of his reveries when he heard Kong's voice. Kong stood folding his hands across his chest , smirking.

A : Ah no , I was thinking what should I buy-

"You called me handsome." Kong beamed at Arthit .

A : I didn't ? You misheard.
I just said that to handle the situation, you bastard.
Arthit was trying his best to not let Kong boast about his charms and make fun of Arthit.

K : I cannot mishear if it's you who's speaking.

A : Then you should know this too , that I WILL NEVER APPRECIATE YOU FOR ANYTHING.

K : I see .......By the way , I'm not a loser Arthit. I've never lost in anything.

A : Shit did he hear everything!? Haha very funny. You look like one .

K : But yeah there's one thing I'm really lost in .

Kong stepped closer to Arthit , so that he can look straight in his eyes . "Your thoughts."

Arthit you're breathing.

Arthit you're normal.

Arthit it didn't affect you.

Yes it didn't.

I have to backfire.

I'll show him it didn't affect me.

Arthit rolled his eyes , trying to compose himself.... " Oh really? I think of all the things you've lost , you miss your mind the most? "

Yes I did it !

" No well , because my mind often wanders in your direction"

Here comes the second attack. Argh damn it.

That's it. Arthit can't compete with Kong. He is too good at this. But Arthit is so determined to turn the tables. He wouldn't give up so easily.

A : " Your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth."

K : " But my ass is super ready to take that in " . Kong pointed towards Arthit's crotch , staring at it shamelessly.

Arthit couldn't take it anymore. He stormed back to his place ignoring Kong.

"What happened Arthit? Are you cool? " Earth asked with concern .

" Yeah I guess. " Arthit replied , sighing.

Arthit glanced at Kong , and found him still staring him . Arthit quickly looked away , not wanting to meet that tempting gaze anymore. Notification sound from Arthit's phone caught his attention. He received a message from ' bossypants '

(That's what Arthit saved Kong's number as)

" Started missing me already baby ? "

Arthit annoyingly looked back at Kong , who was already looking at him , giving his best smile. Arthit gave him an exasperated look.

After coming back from office , Arthit saw Kong waiting for the lift.

Maybe I should talk to him in a friendly manner like everybody else, instead of the irritated and annoyed tone. I've never spoken to him nicely, and probably that's why he keeps on getting on my nerves. I should try this.

With these thoughts in his mind , he moved towards Kong , wearing the sweetest smile possible.

A : " Are you waiting for the lift Kong ? "

Kong answered without looking at Arthit
" No"

A : Huh?

K : I'm not waiting for the lift Arthit. I was waiting ( looks at Arthit) for MY LIFE.

I fricking knew it ! I shouldn't have even thought about it. He is a born idiot.

" You are such an asshole"

Arthit took the stairs to avoid Kong. On his way , he met Bright. Arthit cheered up seeing him.

B : Hey Arthit ! What's up ? How are you doing? Did you check the details I sent you yesterday?

A : Ofcourse I did . But I guess I don't need it now.

B : Oh that's good. But why did you ask for it? What's exactly happening ?

As Bright was Arthit's closest friend , Arthit didn't hesitate to tell him all that has happening with him. After he finished, Bright burst out into laughter.

B :Woahh ! This is so epic . Your boss is that person who moved in a few days ago ? And he is hitting on you !? What a destiny ! I ship you two !

A : Shut up Bright! I'll punch you if you say that again.

Seeing Arthit getting annoyed , Bright stopped laughing .

B : Okay so , what are you gonna do about this ?

A : I am not sure. But I've had enough. It's my turn now. I know his weakness . He cannot touch me , even if he wants to. I'll make use of this. I'll show him the real me. It's my turn to get on his nerves.

B : Woah Woah ! What are you thinking Arthit ?

Arthit just smiled in reply and went to his room. But surely there's something going in his mind.

Hey there people ! I've tried to include Arthit's thoughts in this chapter in italics.
What do you think Arthit is going to do ? Will his plan fail ? Will he be able to get on Kong's nerves ? What's Kong going to do about it ? Any idea ? 😬


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