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Arthit stepped back , not wanting Kong to touch him again.

Suddenly Arthit's phone rang.
Arthit motioned Kong to stop ,, as he attended the call.

" Hello ? Oh Hi how are you doing ! "

Kong was tapping his feet waiting for Arthit to end the call. But Arthit was taking his own time.

" Yeah I'm perfectly fine! How is your mom ? Everybody in your family??"

Kong mouthed Arthit ," Quickerrr!" Arthit ignored him , still busy on call.

" Ohh that's really great ! "

Arthit took no notice of what Kong was trying to say.  He was taking his own sweet time , extending the call intentionally so that he can waste that one minute . Kong was starting to get  irritated , but he still tried to be calm.

A : " Okay take care ! Bbye "

Kong sighed in relief , " Finally ! "

K : " Now let me claim my one minute -- ''

A : " Huh ? Dude your time is already over ! It's your fault ? Why did you wait ?
Only 10 seconds left now. "

K : B-but  This isn't fairr--

A : Tennnnnnn

K : Hey are you going to count--

A : Nineeeee

K : It's your fault !--

A : Eighhhhtttt

Kong is really desperate. He needs his one minute back. But Arthit is no less. He intentionally stayed on call so that he could waste the time. Ah what a cheater !

K : Stop count--

A : seveeennnnnnn

K : Arthit you're going to regret--

A : siiiiixxxxxxxx

Arthit closed his eyes, ignoring all the actions and excuses Kong was giving.

K : Listen to me--

A: Fiiiiivvveeeeeee

K : Arthit stop !

A : Fouuurrrrrrr

K : Enough.

A : Threeeeeeeee

Kong sighed , and took a step towards Arthit.

A : Twooo-------

Suddenly Arthit felt soft lips touching his lips. He opened his eyes , and saw Kong giving him a long peck .Arthit sealed his lips , not wanting to give Kong any access into his mouth. Kong pulled away , and smirked at Arthit.

Arthit was flabbergasted by Kong's action.


K : "Oh I just wanted to check if your lips are really as soft as they seem."

A : "The fuck !? You just kissed me !? "

Kong chuckled on Arthit's remarks.

K : " You call this a kiss Arthit !? Then I should really show you what a real kiss is . You want to learn ?"

Arthit took two steps back , making more distance between them.

A : " Stay away !"

Kong raised his hands in defence , " This isn't my fault Arthit ! You annoyed me. You cheated first. "

Arthit couldn't control his anger, which came out in his rant.

A : " I can't believe you just kissed me !? I mean like seriously ?! I know we had a contract but then THIS WAS MY FRICKING FIRST KISS ! You shouldn't have taken it ! I wanted it to be reserved for a girl and you took it without my consent!? Okay agreed that you can do anything to me according to the contract but this was sort of overboard !"

Of all that Arthit blabbered about , Kong could only hear one sentence.

His first kiss. I am the first person to touch his soft lips ! And I'll be the last one as well. Damn I want to devour him so much.

"Where are you lost now !? Answer me !"
Arthit snapped at Kong.

" I'm sorry Arthit. You should have given it a thought before signing the contract. Not just the first kiss , I could take your virginity as well. " Kong shrugged in response.

Arthit could feel the heat creeping up his neck.

Take your virginity as well.

Arthit's cheeks turned red. The sentence kept replaying in his mind.
" I - I am n-not ...."

Take your virginity.

"s-scared of ...."

Take your virginity.

"y-your ...."

Take your virginity.

" Oh shut up ! Let me speak !"

Kong raised an eyebrow in confusion.

K : " I never spoke anything Arthit ? "

That's it. Arthit couldn't handle more embarrassment. He ran out of the washroom to his desk . Away from Kong . To get some fresh air. To get some peace.

Kong laughed on seeing Arthit running.
Normally Arthit would try to find comeback lines. But this time he just chose running away.

Kong was still not done with Arthit. He wanted his one minute back. He wanted to touch Arthit again , to feel him again.
When he touched Arthit's lips for the first time today , he didn't want to pull away. He wanted to taste every inch of his mouth. But sadly the time was up , and Arthit didn't want him. Except for teasing and having little fun , he never wanted to force Arthit into anything.

Damn you Arthit ! You took that chance from Kong !? Aish I'm irritated 😑😑. But I hope Kong's gonna make Arthit regretttt itttt.

Also , I find it really cute when Arthit tries to argue and stutters .... Do you too ?


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