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Kong tried to find Arthit in every possible place, but Arthit was nowhere.
Disheartened, Kong decided to spend the night in his office's secret room. 

Kong's mind wasn't leaving thoughts of Arthit. After what Jaidee told him about Earth, he wanted to  talk to Arthit as soon as possible. It was very important for Arthit to know about earth. The one whom he considered such a good friend of his.

Earth was the one who sent him those messages. How will Arthit react when he comes to know about this?

As soon as Kong entered the room, he was suddenly pulled and pinned against the wall.

"What the fuck took you so long!?" said Arthit, looking at Kong with his keen, brown eyes.

Kong was surprised to find Arthit here. He was quick enough to turn the tables and take Arthit's place, pinning Arthit to the wall now.

"Where the fuck were you!?" Kong made his grip tight on Arthit's hand, bringing them beside his head.

"I-I want to tell you something..." Arthit looked at Kong's eyes, then his lips, affected by their close proximity. He was so eager to taste those lips  again.

"What?? I've been calling you, messaging you like crazy! Heck you should've at least given me an opportunity to explain--" Kong noticed Arthit wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. Kong observed Arthit very carefully.  His eyes, shamelessly staring Kong's lips. His lips, so lonely. His hands, getting weak under Kong's grip. His breath, Racing.

Kong hesitantly moved closer to Arthit, his breath feathering over Arthit's lips. He was extremely slow, he didn't want to get pushed by Arthit again. Especially when things aren't in place between then and he owes him an explanation.

"Kong..." Arthit almost whispered, his lips touching Kong's. His eyes full of lust, his body hungry for Kong's touch.

Arthit didn't have to say the next words. Kong immediately slammed his lips against Arthit's, his tongue impatient to taste and explore his mouth again.

Arthit gave him the access, and Kong's tongue quickly travelled in, exploring every corner of Arthit's mouth. Kong bit Arthit's lower lip gently, tasting every inch of his mouth, devouring his lips, savouring the moment to the fullest.

Kong quickly moved to Arthit's neck, hungry for his milky skin. He loosens his grip on the hands and goes for Arthit's waist. His waist perfectly fits in his hands like a jigsaw. Arthit pulls Kong closer and closer to him, signaling that he wanted more and more.

Kong made his way to Arthit's ears, breathing heavily.

"I-i think we should stop here..." Kong gently whispered in Arthit's ear, though his hands grip Arthit's waist as tightly as he could, not wanting to obey what he just said.

Arthit didn't want to stop, so he decided to take the lead. He buries his head in Kong's crook of neck, and plants numerous kisses there. His hands trying to pull him closer and closer.

"Ah Arthit... I-I have something to tell you..." Kong was losing himself.... Arthit was dominating him! His mind seemed to stop working. He knew that at this moment it's important to tell him about Earth, but how was he supposed to stop this person hugging and kissing him.

"Arthit.. please listen to.......FUCK" Kong moaned when Arthit bit his sensitive spot on his neck. .

"Exactly what I'm trying to do!" Arthit was getting impatient. He started unbuttoning Kong's shirt quickly.

With All the strength left in Kong, he stopped Arthit and gripped his hands again, pinning them beside his head.

"STOP ARTHIT! I want to tell you something very important!" Kong's desire was conflicting with the right thing. He really wanted to clear things with Arthit first, even if it kills his long  awaited wish.

"Argh I think it can wait!" Arthit was frustrated. Very.

"No! You have to know this....." Kong started to explain, killing his strong desire to take Arthit.

" Kongpob! Didn't you owe me a wish? You'd do anything I asked for?" Arthit cut him off as suddenly recalled something. It was great that Arthit saved the wish for later.

Kong nodded.

"I. Want. You. To. Do. Me."Arthit's words were firm and commanding.

"But Arthit--"

"No. You can't deny now." Arthit was getting very impatient with every passing second. So was Kong. It was getting very difficult for him to resist anymore.

Arthit pulled his hands out of Kong's hold and placed them on his back. Kong was stilled due to the sudden move. He stood there glued to his spot, while Arthit came closer and closer to him, until his lips slightly touched Kong's ear.

"Fuck me....Kongpob Suthiluck..."

Yayyyyy FINALLY!

Btw, if you are thinking when Kong granted Arthit a wish, refer chapter 25.

And yesssss.....who loves a dominant Arthit?????🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️


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