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"How can you sleep when I am right here beside you?" Kong furrowed his eyebrows.

"True that. I can't even imagine sleeping next to a nuisance. That's why I asked you to sleep on couch." Arthit replied sleepily.

"Are you really sleepy? Can't we talk for a while?" Kong asked.

"I can barely open my eyes. I have no strength to talk. I'm sleepy." Arthit replied in the laziest voice possible.

"Okay. Goodnight cupcake." Kong's words urged Arthit to think carefully.
Cupcake? Did he just call me cupcake? This name is so familiar......Is it possible that Kong is THAT person who.........Ah what am I even thinking. It's not possible. Kong can't be him. He just met me.

Arthit drifted off to sleep, while Kong still awake. How could he sleep, when he is this close to Arthit! Kong was lost in his thoughts. He was thinking about his first meeting with Arthit. Arthit was the first person to get Kong's attention. How shook Kong was when Arthit entered his room last year on his birthday.......How seductively Arthit looked at him! He can clearly remember Arthit's image in his mind.


When Arthit drifted off to sleep that night, Kong hesitantly took out Arthit's phone from his pocket and stole his phone number. He tapped his screen, and named his contact 'cupcake'.  In the morning when he got up, he didn't find Arthit. He was already gone. Kong didn't really like going to parties. However, after he met Arthit, he went to all the official parties organized by his father to just get a glimpse of him. But couldn't find him. He didn't ask his father about him, it'd have been weird.

He finally mustered up the courage and dropped him a message.

K: "Hi"

But there was no reply. For days, Arthit didn't reply. Kong was getting restless. He would never leave his phone. Even if he did, he used to check his notifications twice. There was no message from Arthit.
Kong thought of messaging again.

K: "Hey you there?"

After a few minutes, his phone buzzed.

A: "Hello. I'm sorry I don't have your number saved. Who is this?"

Arthit replied finally! Kong was filled with happiness.

K: "Hey you finally replied! I thought you'd never notice my message."

A: "Oh I'm so sorry, I thought it was a scam. Who are you though?"

K: "It's okay cupcake. I'm probably your future husband."

A: "Excuse me?"

K: "I'm being serious sweetheart 😏."

Kong kept on messaging Arthit anonymously for days.

K: "Hey! Are you a wifi? Because I feel connection.

A: "Yeah....and I intend to transfer some viruses through this connection."

Arthit was no less. Sometimes he'd flirt back, but mostly it was him getting annoyed.

K: "Did it hurt when you fell from the heaven?"

A: "Well not as much as this conversation."

K: "Ah that's sad. But I promise I'll be gentle in the reality. Won't let you ger hurt much."

A: "Hah let's see."

K: "Isn't that a bit early? You already wanna see it?"

A: "I do see it. On your head. You're a total dickhead."

K: "And do you see my eyes? You'll find our future there."

A: "Cheesy."

K: "And can you see my heart too? You'll find yourself there."

A: "Oh gawd I'm starting to hate this."

Arthit always tried to annoy Kong with his replies. But Kong was very patient.
This continued for a few days, until Kong lost his phone, and Arthit's number too, in one of those official parties. Kong tried to search for it, but he couldn't. So ultimately he had to give up. However, destiny made Kong meet Arthit again. 

*Flashback over*

Kong was busy thinking about the past, when a hand flew in the air and landed on Kong's chest.  Kong was astonished for a minute. He turned to look at Arthit, who sleepily shifted closer to Kong, trying to cuddle. Kong smiled to himself, thinking of Arthit's words before he slept. Don't come in my area. So ironic Arthit!

When Kong tried to remove the hand, the latter pulled him closer. Kong felt butterflies race in his stomach. Even though Arthit was asleep, but this proximity affected Kong.

Hey people! What do you think? How will Arthit react next morning? Will this incident give our Kong the 'five mins' he is craving for?


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