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"I like you."

"No I mean I like you"

"I-I don't know when it started..."

"I like you so stfu."

"Argh okay okay I like you."

"Umm do I like you?"

Arthit has been practicing for an hour now. 

After they did IT last night, Kong told him about Earth. But it didn't shock him. Earlier Arthit had suspected Yong and Earth to leak their ideas to The Drakers, and appointed a few men to investigate. When Jaidee met him in the cafe, he got a call from them and he went to find out the truth as soon as possible.

The men told him that Earth was Drake's brother and its most likely for him to do it. Arthit couldn't believe it, and hence went to Jaidee to confirm it. Jaidee told him everything about Earth. That's when he realised that Kong was innocent. Arthit was very guilty and decided to apologize Kong. But the sexual tension between them grew and things rushed.

When he woke up, Kong was sleeping like a log. He slowly moved out of the bed and dressed up. He left a note to Kong.

Meet me on Rama VIII bridge tonight.

Why did he want to meet? Well he wasn't sure of it. But he wanted to make things clear to Kong.

On the other hand, Kong was totally not sure why Arthit had called him. To maybe confess? Ask him to forget Arthit? Or maybe finally accepting him? All these random questions ringing in his mind were killing him. He was getting desperate with each passing minute, unable to concentrate on anything else.

The time passed very slowly, and the clock struck 8. Arthit was waiting for Kong on the Rama VIII bridge, mumbling something to himself.

"Hi" Kong tapped Arthit's shoulder gently.

"Hi" Arthit replied looking everywhere else but Kong.



"Why did you call me here?"

"Oh that...umm it was because..."

"See Arthit if you're going to ask me to forget whatever happened, I'm afraid I can't do that."

"No no I don't want that" Arthit was nervous for no reason.

"Then why the hell we're here in this cold night and talking nons--"

"I like you! I mean I don't know. It's just that my body reacts to you in a way it shouldn't. I get desperate when you ignore me. I get disappointed when you are disappointed. I get happy when you are happy. I get concerned when something happens to you. I get jealous if I see you near anybody else. I get nervous when you flirt with me. I know I like you but I.....am not ready to be in relationship with you. I should just get over this..." Arthit blurted it all in almost one breath.

"Why can't you get in relationship with me?" Kong asked confused.

"I don't know......maybe because nothing really lasts forever with me." There was a tone of disappointment in his tone.

Kong stepped closer to him.

"If nothing lasts forever with you, I'm ready to be your NOTHING."

Arthit was moved by Kong's words. Kong tried to examine Arthit's expressions. He seemed satisfied with his answer, but said nothing. Every second of silence was making him more and more desperate. 

"Fine choose between one or two." Arthit said firmly.


"I said choose between one or two."


"This will decide if we're getting in a relationship."

One more chapter to go♥️


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