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Jaidee was confused. She was still hesitant to help the man. Even though everything seemed right, but it felt like betrayal. Betrayal to his very close friend, Arthit. Betrayal to the one she loves, Kong.

Yeah Kong. Jaidee was childhood friend of Kongpob. She liked talking to Kong, being with him, everytime they met. When Kong came to him, pleading that he really wants to buy her flat, she moved out. She joined The Drakers, Arthit's rival company. That's why she couldn't keep contact with Arthit. But she acknowledged it very late, that Arthit works in Kong's father's company.

Jaidee was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard someone's footsteps. It was Earth. He is the man, who had been planning this all.

"Why are you here?" Jaidee asked Earth.

"Why aren't you doing anything!? Go and confess to Arthit. Get in a relationship with him. Make him distant from Kong. I'll create more misunderstandings between them and make Arthit hate Kong. Later, you break up with Arthit. Arthit will never go back to Kong again. You get Kong, I get Arthit." Earth explained his plan to Jaidee.

"But I am still not sure Earth...I mean-"

Earth cut her off," I don't care Jaidee. I've already made the deal with your boss. You can't back off now, or you might lose your job."

Jaidee knew Earth even before meeting him. Earth was Drake's brother ( The boss of the Drakers.) Earth joined the other company to stay close to Arthit. Drake knew about this. So he asked Jaidee to help Earth, or she might lose her job. Jaidee agreed, thinking that this might be beneficial for her as well.

"This is not right Earth, please think about it again." Jaidee gave him a concerned look.

"I've told you already. I can't lose Arthit. I have chased him for more than a year. I can't lose him to anybody. He is mine. I sent him random messages, blackmailed him, did everything possible to get him. But he never noticed me." Earth was jealous of Kong. 

" I messaged him. He didn't reply yet. I don't think he's gonna accept it anyway. What will you do then?" Jaidee questioned Earth.

Jaidee's phone buzzed. A message from Arthit.

"Okay, The cafe near your house?  I'll be there...."

Jaidee wasn't expecting this. Arthit agreed to meet her.

E: "Now go and meet Arthit. We gotta work this plan out."

Kongpob was searching for Arthit everywhere.

"Hello Ohm? Have you seen Arthit in a while?........Oh thanks."

Nobody knew where Arthit had gone. Kong had already dropped hundreds of messages, but he replied to none.

Where are you my cupcake???

Arthit and Jaidee met at the café.

"How come you have a crush for me? You ....never told me..." Arthit was feeling way more awkward than he thought. Jaidee was his friend. His first crush to be more clear. He still didn't get any feelings he used to get for her. All of those feelings were now replaced by Kong.

"Ah I don't know..... I-I wasn't sure....Can't we talk about something else?" Jaidee couldn't look in Arthit's eyes.

"Ah well...why are you changing the topic? Aren't we here for this?" Arthit was confused with Jaidee's behaviour today.

"I know...B-but I'm afraid you'll reject me..." Jaidee replied.

Arthit held Jaidee's hand,"See Jaidee, even I had crush on you a few months back. But right now, I'm just not sure. We were distant for such a long time."

Jaidee nodded," I understand Arthit." Arthit smiled.

"I don't know what's going to happen to us Jaidee, but you're  one of my friends I trust a lot. So this is not going to affect us. I assure you. Don't worry." Arthit said in sweetest voice possible.

Jaidee suddenly felt guilty. To betray him. Arthit's words had a great affect on her. Her thoughts changed completely. She can't do this to her friend. 

"Arthit, I need to tell you something."

Suddenly Arthit's phone rang.

A : "Hello?..... okay. I'll be there."

Arthit quickly got up and looked at Jaidee with apologetic eyes.
"I'm sorry Jaidee, I have to go. This is urgent."

Jaidee nodded. After Arthit left, she quickly took out her phone and messaged Kong.

"Hey Kong! This is Jaidee. I have to tell you something very important. I like you. It's been a while now. But I know, you like Arthit. You have to save your relationship now. Call me asap!"

Kong quickly called Jaidee. She told him everything. About earth. About his plan. About his obsession for Arthit.

"I don't know if you'll forgive me, but please don't tell this all to Arthit. He will hate me. I don't want to lose my good friend." Jaidee requested Kong.

"It's okay Jaidee! You told this all in right time......I gotta find out where Arthit is ......I want to explain it all to him." Kong forgave Jaidee. But he wanted Arthit to forgive him. He wanted to reach Arthit as soon as possible.

"Kong.....Arthit just left. Maybe he's nearby? I'm not sure though."

"Ok thanks Jaidee! Will Ttyl!" Kong quickly hung up and went to the location.

Hey people! So here's the very important chapter. I disclosed all the suspense here. Did anyone imagine Earth would do this? I didn't too😂

But now, it's important for Kong to find Arthit. Ah I'm so excited to write the next chapter 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈

Also......2 more chaps and this story is done! Cheers!


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