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"Hey Kong! I'm doing well! How are you?" Jaidee asked enthusiastically.

"Well well well.....may I ask how do you know each other?" Arthit interrupted in between. He was curious to know what really was going on.

"Her parents are close friends of my parents." Kong explained to Arthit.

"And we're childhood friends!" Jaidee completed Kong's sentence.

Arthit looked  confused. That means Kong had known who is Jaidee, about her whereabouts all this time?

"W-wait if you're Kong's friend, why did you join our rival company, The Drakers?" Arthit asked Jaidee. Well he had a point. Jaidee could have joined Kong's company instead.

"Relax Arthit! It's her choice....I don't mind it. It doesn't matter anyway." Kong shrugged.

Arthit still couldn't buy it. All this time he was trying to think how to introduce Jaidee to Kong. But it's opposite now. He still had many questions. But he decided to leave them for the moment.

He saw Kong and Jaidee talking and giggling. He felt disappointed. Jealousy crept over his neck. But he was not sure for whom. Maybe that's because he is the third person there?

He interrupted,"Kong we're getting late....let's go." Kong nodded and accompanied Arthit. They walked out of the room.

Arthit was snapped out of his thoughts when  Kong asked him," Do you still like her?"

Arthit was shocked. How did Kong know that!?

A : "How did you--"

"You told me that in the very first meeting." Kong faked a laughter.

"What really? Weird." Arthit tried to remember. Maybe it was when he bumped into Kong and blabbered nonsense angrily.

K: "Second actually."

A: "Huh what?"
Arthit couldn't understand what Kong was talking about.

"It was our second meeting Arthit. The first one was on my birthday last year."
Kong decided to reveal it.

"What!? Why don't I remember it?" Arthit scratched his head.

"You were drunk Arthit. Yoy just barged in to my room. Heck didn't you know I am dangerous? You don't even know what I did to you that night." Kong teased Arthit a little.

"Oh yep I remember nowww. That morning I was wondering how did I sleep in your room. I left immediately. But w-what did you do to me??" Arthit glared at Kong.

Kong softly chuckled and shrugged.

"Hey sir! Arthit! Let's goooo! It's timeee!"
Yong quickly called them.

The meeting began. Everything was going great, until the Drakers showed their work.  Their work was really good, but it seemed like a modification to Kong's idea. Everyone thought of it as a coincidence, except Arthit. Something was wrong here. But in the end, they lost the deal.

While returning back to their city, everybody was quiet. Arthit was still processing what happened there, while Kong was just looking out of the window, lost in his own thoughts. This deal meant a lot for their company. They invested a lot, they were sure enough they'll get it. However they're in huge loss now. They'll have to face the consequences.

Arthit was worried about Kong, he was extremely disappointed by this. Kong worked really hard for it.

"Hey Kong it's okay.....don't worry about it.... we'll cover this up." Arthit tried to console Kong.

"Yeah maybe we didn't deserve it." Earth said casually. Arthit glared at Earth.

"No...we deserved it. But it's just a coincidence that they modified OUR idea. We'll cover it! We'll do it!" Arthit was still trying to encourage Kong.

Kong ignored their remarks. Arthit didn't like it at all. He was not used to Kong being like this.

After reaching their apartment, Arthit tried to talk to Kong.

"Kong listen to me." Arthit followed Kong.

When they reached their floor, Kong finally looked at Arthit.

"I'm sorry Arthit....I think I need space for a while." Kong finally replied Arthit and went into his flat.

Arthit  was really disappointed. He wanted Kong to cheer up. But he was still trying to figure it out. How can this be a coincidence.....and ofcourse The Drakers had cheated them earlier too.

Next morning, there was no change in Kong's mood. He was very quiet. Arthit missed Kong's flirting, his teasing.

Heya people! Two updates in a day! Not baaaddddd😬😬😬😬😬
Things are gonna get intense now. The climax is hereeeeeee...... 5-6 chapters left for this amazing journey to come to an end.

Back to this chapter, what do you think people? Was that a coincidence? Who's behind all this? And Jaidee.....why did she come back to Arthit's life? Any guesses?


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