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Arthit was handed a bottle of water from the peon. He looked at Kong for a moment , opening the cap of the bottle. He brought the bottle to his lips , gently placed it and drank  in small sips. Arthit was still staring at Kong , who kept looking back at him with emotionless eyes.

Damn he's still not reacting.

Maybe he's just playing with me for fun.

He doesn't feel anything looking at me ...

Arthit decided to leave it for the moment and concentrate on work. There was an awkward silence in the room. Only sounds of fans and pages could be heard. Finally Kong called out-

K : "Arthit ?"

A : "Hmm?"
Arthit was so focused in work that he totally forgot about seducing singto. Maybe because Kong wasn't giving him the expected reactions, he gave up on it.

K : You look really sexy today. Did you dress up for me ?

A : Get lost.
Arthit replied without looking at him , paying more attention to the work.

K : That's what I'm doing right ?

Arthit looked up , trying to decipher what Kong said .

A : Huh ?

K : Getting lost......in you.

Arthit gave him a disgusted look. Kong chuckled and got back to work.

After a while , a woman entered the cabin. She smiled at Arthit and then at Kong.  Kong gave her the sweetest smile and followed her outside the cabin.

Did he just smile at her ?

Why ?

I mean I don't care , but still.

Are they close friends?

Why didn't he give me a smile ? He is so expressionless today ?

Ah what am I even thinking.

Arthit snapped out of his thoughts and concentrated on his work. Even he knew the importance of this project. However , Kong was outside , with a girl , smiling. Arthit secretly took glances at Kong .

Why am I even bothered? Shouldn't I be focusing on my work ? Why am I not able to work ! Maybe I'm just ...... curious? yes curious.  I don't care whatever he does. I'm curious about that girl , who is she? Why haven't I seen her before ?

Arthit got so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice Kong coming  inside. Suddenly a hand emerged Infront of his face exactly one inch away , which got him startled. He immediately started flailing and beating the hand to drive it away . He stood up and turned around , and found Kong standing with his arms crossed across his chest.

" What the hell Kong !?" Arthit snapped out at him.

"That's it Arthit. You just touched me. I get a minute. "

Arthit thought for a while , processing what Kong just said. He was right ! Arthit just touched him !? And according to the contract, he gets one minute to do anything to him.

" B-but you cheated ! T-this isn't fair ! " Arthit tried to reason out.

With one swift move Kong closed the distance between them , and leaned in. He whispered in Arthit's ear , "Everything is fair in love baby" . His lips touched his ear with each word he spoke  , making Arthit shiver . Without wasting any further time ,  Kong  sticks out his tongue to lick along with gently biting his earlobe. He makes his way , planting kisses on Arthit's jawline , down the neck. Arthit shuts his eyes tightly , trying to stand still. Kong places his hands on Arthit's waist while sucking his neck , biting his weak spots. He plants kisses on his collar bone .

He moves down to Arthit's chest , which had been eyeing from the day Arthit planned to seduce him. Kong wanted Arthit to regret revealing so much of his chest. Only he knows how difficult it was for him to stay emotionless , even when he could feel his member harden up.

He littered kisses up and down his chest , biting at some places , and sucking the other , leaving red and purple shades everywhere.  Kong looked back in Arthit's eyes , who was still standing with his eyes closed, biting his lower lip , trembling under his touch. He brushed his fingers against Arthit's chest , which Kong had marked with his kisses. His fingers slid his shirt to the right  , wanting to expose his nipple , still brushing against his skin. Arthit opened his eyes wide and glared at Kong . Kong grinned , not stopping what he was up to.

Arthit pulled back which left Kong in shock .

" T-time up ! "

Kong lets out a frustrated groan.  "Just when I was about to -- "

" Enough ! Get back to work ! I'm going back to my desk. " Arthit started leaving Kong's cabin.

K : " Hey ! "

A : " What now !? "

K : "I don't think it's a good idea to go out like that"

Kong pointed towards his chest , on which numerous red and purple marks were way more than 'visible'. Arthit quickly did all the shirt buttons . He didn't want the other workers to see that.

"Wild beast " Arthit rolled his eyes and left Kong chuckling on his words.

Hey people ! So finally Kong started taking advantage of the contract. What do you think is going to happen next ? Will Arthit accept Kong easily ? When is their bittersweet love going to take off ??


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