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Next morning Arthit put on a plain white shirt , transparent enough to show the shade of his white skin. His face was clean shaven, and his dark black  hair was set as perfectly as possible.  He wore  his  black watch , and checked his appearance in the mirror again.  He applied his favourite perfume before leaving for the office.

In the office , everybody was working together, nobody was reserved to their cabin or desk. As Arthit entered the office , all eyes were on him. Kong was checking a file when suddenly his eyes landed on Arthit. His appearance caught him off guard.

Damn.....His flawless skin like a well done white cloth , his dark brown eyes shining under his long eyelashes. His cuteness is  overshadowed by his charm today . His angular jawline and pale skin made him look extremely handsome. His lips , pinker than a rose petal , soft and inviting.

"Hey Arthit ! Happy birthday to you ! " Earth called cheerfully.

" But it's not my birthday earth" Arthit smiled scratching  his neck.

"Oh you look really hot today! " Earth blushed. Arthit chuckled softly.

Kong clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth. He just doesn't like Earth near Arthit.

" I feel like working in my cabin . Will you accompany me Yong ? " Kong turned to another worker , looking slightly frustrated. Arthit looked at Kong , enjoying his annoyance. Kong was usually calm and composed , and Arthit was really having fun seeing him this restless.

This is just beginning

Arthit smiled to himself. Kong's phone rang , and he made his way to his cabin.

" I'll join you people too , I have some ideas. " Arthit told Yong who was heading towards Kong's cabin. 

Kong felt his heart skipping a beat when he noticed Arthit following Yong. Kong chose to work in cabin so that he can avoid Arthit and it doesn't become difficult for him to control himself .

"Arthit ? Why are you here ?" Kong questioned Arthit , trying to look extremely calm.

" Oh I'm here to work with you Sir " Arthit leaned on the table as he spoke.

Kong gulped , handing over the files to Arthit. He eyed Arthit's ass as he moved , his jeans perfectly hugging it. He shook his head trying to focus.  But it was impossible for him to do that.

Arthit seated himself just Infront of Kong . Yong sat beside Kong , explaining him every detail about the project. Arthit had a fixed gaze on him. Kong didn't dare to look in his eye , especially not today. Kong can obviously break the contract between them , because Arthit would still be there as his neighbor. He won't lose Arthit on breaking the contract. However , Arthit was really skilled and knew everything about the company. He didn't want to lose this such talented person . Also , the most basic reason can be that he didn't want Arthit to work anywhere else , where others can hit on him.

Kong secretly stole glances at Arthit , sometimes finding him biting his lips very seductively , or sometimes gently placing the back of his pen between his lips. Every single move was making his heart flutter.

"So sir what do you think about this ? " Yong asked Kong once he completed explaining.

" Huh ? What ?" Kong didn't pay any attention to what Yong was saying. His thoughts, his mind was wandering in different directions. The next glance Kong took at Arthit, he found Arthit already staring at him. The staring battle went on for a minute , neither of them backing of. Kong noticed Arthit's fingers travelling up his white shirt .

What is he upto now ?

Arthit carefully undid the first button of his shirt , still staring at Kong.

Oh shit. Control Kong. This is damn difficult, but don't lose yourself. Keep staring! keep staring !

Arthit's lips formed a soft curve , and his fingers travelled down , and undid the second button of his shirt. He made slice of his white skin easily visible to Kong , making him immediately look away.

He is going to be the death of me. 

Kong was lost in his thoughts when Yong interfered , " Sir ? Are you alright? "

K : Yeah why ?

Y : You just seem too lost. Are you even paying attention to what I'm saying?

Kong realised that it's been half an hour and he hasn't listened to any word Yong has spoken.

K : Oh I'm so sorry Yong , I got a bit distracted. I'll call you later. You can continue doing your work.

Arthit softly chuckled , Yong came and sat beside him.

If this continues, I'm sure I won't be able to complete this project in time. I have to do something about this. I can't let the tables turn.

Hello there people ! Arthit is not as shy as shown in previous chapters. Kong is indeed having a hard time.😂😂
Also I've included Kong's thoughts in italics today.


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