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Arthit had not idea how to cheer Kong up. Somehow he wanted him back. Him doing all the mischievous stuff to irritate Arthit, his KILLER words and that smile! Anyone would fall for it. Except for Arthit. Though Arthit was right there with him, it still felt like miles away.  Kong wasn't being HIMSELF.

Arthit was thinking, how weird it is right now, earlier he was pushing away Kong, but now, he's missing the old him like helllll.

He tried to approach Kong for one last time.

"Hey Kong we need to talk.'' Arthit looked pretty serious.

Kong replied without Glancing at him," About what?"

Arthit tried to keep himself calm. Ofcourse he was getting irritated.
"I think you need to relax.....I know it was an important deal, but it doesn't mean that--"

Kong immediately cut him off,"I don't think I want to talk about that."

With this, Kong left. Yeah, he just left. Without even looking at Arthit for even once. He just made Arthit see red. Arthit was burning up with anger.

He stormed back towards his desk and continued doing his work. Earth didn't come today, so he was taking his anger out on chairs and desks and papers and files.


After Jaidee met Arthit in the meeting, they exchanged their phone numbers, to remain in touch. Jaidee was lost in her deep thoughts, looking at her phone. She was waiting for somebody. The place was dark and scary.

A tall man, wearing a long black coat appeared infront of her.

"So did you think of it yet?" The man asked her in a deep voice.

"I don't know.....I'm not sure. Are you sure this is gonna work?" Jaidee hesitantly replied.

"I think it will. Just go and get in relationship with Arthit." The man seemed agitated.

"But will he accept it? And how is it going to help us?" Jaidee was confused. What is the man planning!?

"He will. He liked you once, but right now he has gotten closer to Kong. If you get in relationship with him, he'll get away from Kong. And then we'll follow the plan." The man was trying to explain Jaidee.

"Ah I don't know....I'm not sure..." Jaidee was still hesitant. She wasn't sure if what they are doing is right.

"Just trust me on this! We can't let them get into a relationship." The man tried to assure Jaidee. Jaidee was still hesitant, but she just nodded. She can't lose her love to someone else.


Arthit was ignoring Kong now. Well not exactly ignoring, since Kong wasn't talking to him. But Arthit gave up caring about him. Or at least showing that he cared.

After completing the office hours, Arthit was waiting for the lift to reach his apartment, to finally get some beauty sleep. He noticed Kong walking towards him. Kong wasn't exactly looking at Arthit, or maybe he was? Arthit couldn't guess it. He finally came and  stood beside Arthit, waiting for the lift.

Ah it's okay Arthit! Calm down. You didn't want him to speak to you anyway, right?

Arthit was busy consoling himself in his mind when lift came. He got into the lift, and it was weird, that there was nobody in the lift today. Only him and Kong.

The elevator began its ascent slowly. Arthit's mind was conflicting whether he should try talking to Kong again, because he can not escape or ignore him in the lift, especially when it was only them. Arthit looked at Kong, who still had a cold expression on his face.

As soon as Arthit opened his mouth to speak something, there was a sudden halt in the movement of elevator. Arthit remained calm, as he was used to this.

Power failure again.

Arthit's Pov

I'm pretty used to this. This happens twice a month in my apartment building. I've been trapped in the lift for like 20 times now. But great! I get more time to talk to Kong now.

I looked at Kong, and I was taken aback when I saw the expression on his face. He was......... frightened? But wait.....Kongpob Suthiluck FRIGHTENED? This is something new! I've never seen that expression on his face. Just a few thoughts ago, his face wore that irritating cold expression, how come it's fear now?

Claustrophobic Maybe

Keeping all my thoughts that were occupying my mind aside, I tapped on Kong's shoulder, to check if he's alright? Or let's say still alive.

Kong unconsciously moved closer to me, not looking at me at all. He was rather concentrating more on the surroundings, and was busy getting 'frightened'.

Well I have to admit, somehow I can't ignore my concern for him. I was trying to distract him, do all sorts of nonsense, talking shit, but he was never listening to me.

I was getting frustrated. I'm not sure if it was because Kongpob Suthiluck was ignoring me, or because I was concerned about him. Nevertheless, I. Was. Irritated.

"Kongpob! Are you listening? Just pay attention to me!? You get that!" I nearly shouted this time. Heck, he still didn't look at me. The fear he had on his face, was annoying me. I didn't like it, at all. Maybe I cherished watching it in the beginning, but I started to hate it soon.

I don't know what struck my mind, I suddenly felt the urge to grab him by collar and give a little taste of me. And yeah, I did it.

I grabbed him by his collar, and made him look straight in my eyes, nowhere else. He was taken aback by my sudden move, but I can bet not more than what I did next.

I slammed my lips on his. And to be honest, I was not planning to do more than a peck. But my plan backfired.

Heya people! How are you all doing? I've been a bit busy lately, so I'm giving you all a late update again. 😢😢
But I am ready to compensate! This update is quite longer than I usually write, and I may update again today, or tomorrow. Hehe.

Back to the story, what do you think Jaidee is planning....who's that man!
Why don't they want our Arthit and Kong to get in relationship!?

And Ofcourse, what happens to Arthit now? According to the contract, Kong gets a chance to devour him......🙄🙄🙄

Also......! The picture I attached with this chapter, isn't it hawwwtttttttt?


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