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After Arthit left Kong's office , he never stopped blabbering to himself.

" What the hell ! I thought this was a beneficial deal for me , but I never thought that  Kong is really clever and he would make the best use of it !? Why didn't I think of thisssssssss !??? And Ofcourse , I'm going to face the consequences now. Argh why did I plan to seduce him !!! Why why whyyyy ! I'm really an idiot. Damn , he just - he just - argh what did he just dooo ! I have to take an oath now.  I'll never never never touch him. Why does my body betray me when he touches me !? Why do my mind goes numb and my heart starts racing !? No no no , I won't let this happen again."

" Arthit ? What are you blabbering about ? Did something happen ? " Earth noticed Arthit disturbed and distracted from his work. Earth has been a good friend to Arthit from the start . He cared for Arthit a lot and is always ready to help him.

" No well nothing significant happened. "
Arthit replied , still thinking about Kongpob.

" Ah I see. Don't lie Arthit ,I know you speak so much only when you're angry or nervous. Tell me what's troubling you"
Earth asked Arthit with concern.

Arthit thought for a while , if it's safe to tell Earth about Kongpob. Arthit trusted Earth , but he was still hesitant to tell him about Kong.

" Ah nothing. Seriously. Just work load ." Arthit tried to reason out.

" True that! But we need to work ! You know right ? How much this project means to us ? Kong sir has took the lead , he isn't really familiar with the stupid techniques our rival companies follow. This is going to be his first experience ....we should help him. "

Earth was indeed right. Kong lacked experience and there was a lot of burden on his shoulders.

I should keep my personal problems aside and help Kong. I shouldn't avoid him , I should help him staying by his side.  Yess ! I don't know why Kong isn't focusing on work !? How can someone be so irresponsible...... This is really important project for our company ,and he is leading , still he's more focused on all his stupidities and me? He really is  a  fricking irresponsible and careless bastard. 

Arthit planned to become serious towards his work.

Suddenly the receptionist called Arthit.
"Arthit , there's a call from 'the drakers'. I think you should pick up. You're the most intelligent and experienced here." .

" Oh okay." Arthit picked up the call.

A : " Hello ?"

" Hello ? Am I speaking to a member of Kongarthas group ? " A lady having a melodious voice spoke.

Damn this voice ? I've heard it somewhere ..... But where !? I'm sure I've heard it before.

" Yes . How can I help you mam ?" Arthit spoke as politely as possible.

" I have some details regarding the project we are going to compete for. I am asked to inform you. I'm the secretary of The Drakers group. "

Whose voice is this !? Come on Arthit try to remember? Lady ? Sweet voice ? Perfect pronounciation....... Can she be HER ?

A : " Okay mam you can mail me the details on company's mail id. I'll surely check. "

L : " Thank you "

A : Wait--

Before Arthit could ask her identity, the call was ended.

What am I thinking ? It can't be her. She can't be here in this city. Yeah.

Arthit moved to Kong's cabin , wanting to inform him about the call from The Drakers.

K : Arthit you're back ?

A : I am.
Arthit replied rudely to Kong.

K : What's up? Is there something you want?

A : Yeah we got a call from our rival company, The Drakers. I'm just here to inform you that they're going to mail us details regarding the project on the official Id. You can check it later.

K : As you say sweetheart.

A : Shut up Kong ! How can you be so irresponsible ! Do you even know how important this project is to our company!?? What the hell is wrong with you? Your father said you're serious towards your work. But you know what , I feel you're the most careless and idiotic in this company! And guess what ! You are our boss.

Kong was hurt by Arthit's words. He didn't reply to Arthit. Just gave him a sad smile.

Uh oh ! I'm sorry guys....this chapter is going to be boring, and a bit dramatic. But the things to note in this chapter is ...who's the lady Arthit talked to ? Is she someone known to Arthit ?  And the main thing ....is Kong going to seriously work keeping all his feelings towards Arthit aside ? Or is he going to give up on the project and continue to torture Arthit ? What do you guys say ?


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