Chapter 2

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Darkness. My heart started racing, pounding in my chest when I realized that opening my eyes did nothing to make it light. I was blindfolded. I tried to move my arms to take the blindfold off only to find myself tugging and wrenching my arms, hearing the clang of chains. Slowly, I became more conscious. My wrists were burning, becoming more painful the more I struggled to get free. I was handcuffed. I searched the depths of my mind for Aoralia. I could barely feel her presence, but she was there.

"Aoralia." I received no response.

"Aoralia, please. Are you okay? Please say you are okay!" I pleaded, panicking. Why can't she reply to me?

Where was I? What was happening? My mind grappled for the answers, but I came up short. I couldn't remember anything. My head was swimming and becoming more painful the longer I tried to sift through my memories.

I guess all I could do was try and find a way to escape. I lifted my right shoulder as high as I could manage while being bound. I leaned my head to the right, trying to rub my shoulder, desperately trying to get the blindfold off. I managed to get the edge of the blindfold by my right eye up enough to glance at my surroundings.

My arms were chained to a large, metal ring, which I'm assuming is on both walls, spreading them from my body. My legs were not bound, allowing me to stand freely. I continued to look around and found I was standing in the center of a dark, stone cell. I could smell the mold and mustiness, so I assumed we were underground somewhere. The door to the cell was a few feet in front of me. Thick, metal bars made up the door. To my right, at the very top of the cell, was a small opening that was covered with more bars. I'm guess it counts as a window.

I stopped looking at my surroundings to take account of my injuries that were burning painfully.

From what I could see, my right wrist was red and raw, the skin singed and peeling from being burnt from the silver chains. I had a few healing lacerations littering my arms. My shirt was ripped towards the right side of my stomach and hip. Three long, bleeding wounds wrapped from the right side of my belly button around my hip towards my back. I must have been clawed. I couldn't see much more of myself. I pulled as hard as I could at the chains that bound my arms. I tried to ignore the searing pain it brought to my wrists. I repeatedly wrenched my arms back and forth trying to loosen the rings from the stone wall. Nothing would work. I was too weak.

"Aoralia, are you there?" Still no response. She was weaker than I was, trying to heal all my wounds. It was concerning that they hadn't healed by now. They should have.

My ears pricked up as I heard the latch of a door open and footsteps descending a staircase. I held my breath as the person made their way to my cell.

Their footsteps were loud. They clearly weren't trying to hide their presence. I waited with bated breath as they approached.

"Aw little wolf. Did you get caught?" A demonic voice sneered at me as his face came into view.

"Dimitri." I snarled. It was all coming back to me.

The fight.

The betrayal.

I was fuming by the time the slide show in my head stopped playing.

He laughed slowly. A shocking sound that screamed of danger. If I thought his voice was demonic, his laugh was ten times worse. Loud and deep and sounding the farthest thing from happy you could get. I shuddered. This would be my end. I remembered everything. Everything he did to my pack and my family.

And I could do nothing to stop him.

The door clanged against the wall as he barged into the cell. "I've waited a long time for my plan to finally come to fruition. You will never stop me. I will kill you before you ever see the world outside this cell." He walked towards me as he spoke until he was standing directly in front of me. He ripped the blindfold from my head.

I was fuming with anger and repulsion. I let my anger get the best of me. I knew I couldn't change the outcome either way.

"You will pay for what you have done Dimitri. The pack won't stand for this. They will never let you be Alpha. You didn't earn your place. You got it with trickery and murder." I growled and spat in his face.

Enraged, he lunged towards me, but I quickly brought my unchained foot up, kicking him in the balls. He doubled over in pain and I took the opportunity to kick his chest, so he fell backwards. It was a mistake to let my anger get the better of me. What could I do? I was chained and was only making it worse for myself.

Dimitri used his speed, bolting to his feet, zipping towards me and backhanded me across the face. My head twisted to the right on the impact. Blood dripped down my chin as I spit out what was in my mouth. I watched in fear as his eyes changed from his dark brown color to a deep red. He walked slowly around me to my side, steering clear of my legs. He wrapped a hand around my throat and bent in, his breath fanning the side of me neck. I almost vomited when I felt his tongue flick out and travel the path of blood that had left my mouth. He groaned as his tongue lapped it up. I tried to jerk my head out of his reach, but he squeezed tighter, cutting off my air supply. He roughly kissed the side of my mouth and sucked the last remaining blood up. I could feel the tip of his tongue dart past the corner of my lips and into my mouth. He released my neck from his grasp, causing me to gasp for breath.

"You taste so good little wolf. The power in your blood is exquisite. Maybe I should keep you as my Luna. We would create powerful offspring." He chuckled. I was horrified.

"You will never touch me. How can you even think of doing something like that with your own kin? You are sick." I screamed at him. I will kill myself before that happens.

"We shall see little wolf. I will have to teach you your place. You never know, you might enjoy being handled... roughly." He purred in my ear. I shuddered as his lips grazed my ear. I gathered as much strength as I could manage and bashed the side of his head with mine. He stumbled away from me.

"You bitch! You will pay for this." Dimitri screamed, spit flying from his mouth as he grabbed his head. I smirked slightly. Maybe if I goad him enough, he will kill me before he tried to make any of his... fantasies come true.

"I will make you, your family, and your entire pack pay for your insolence. You will lose everything you hold dear. But first...first I get to have my fun." The color drained from my face as he said that. He turned to the door to leave before glancing over his shoulder.

"I'll be back little wolf. And when I return, you will wish you were dead." He left, still chuckling as all the fight left my body.

I woke with a start to Accalia licking my face, whining incessantly. My heart pounded in my chest. I jumped out of bed and ran out of the cabin, vomiting all my stomach contents up. I gasped for breath, running my hand down my face. I was sticky with sweat and my stomach kept churning. My past keeps haunting me.

Accalia walked up next to me, nuzzling me with her large head. I patted her snout. "It's okay girl. Just the past rearing its ugly head." I sighed standing slowly to my feet. I was getting sick of having these nightmares every night. A tear slid from my eye. I try not to think about what happened but it's hard when you relive it every single time you close your eyes. I looked to the sky seeing dawn break. Time for a training session.

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