Chapter 31

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~~~Ember's POV~~~

The look on Jaxson's parents' face when I told Accalia to attack was priceless. I guess they don't know who he is. Accalia leaped for him and before he could shift, she had caught his leg in her jaws, gripping it furiously. I relished in his screams. I drew my knife from its sheath as I slowly walked towards him, his eyes wide with terror.

"What's the matter Trent? Don't like when I'm not in chains?" I growl at him, vaguely hearing Inez gasp behind me.

"N-now E-Ember take it e-easy. I didn't have any choice, you k- know how he is!" Trent really thinks he can bargain his way out of this.

"And I'm sure he made you enjoy it too? You relished in my screams. You loved the expressions on my face and the ways I twisted my body to get away. You even got a little..........excited." Jaxson growled behind me.

Trent turned to Sean. "Are you going to let her do this? I'm your gamma!"

He clenched his teeth as he watched his gamma beg for help. "Yes, a gamma who betrayed his Alpha and pack." Gasps and murmurs were heard, and I now realized we had an audience, the pack members looking on curious as to why their gamma was in the jaws of a large wolf.

"You are no longer the gamma of Bloodmoon pack. I hereby strip you of that title." Sean stepped closer to Trent as he spoke his next voice in a clear tone so that the whole pack heard. "I also strip you of your pack bond. You are now a rogue." Trent clutched his chest in agony as he felt the bond shred. "Luckily," Sean turned to glance at me before turning back to Trent, "It looks like you have another pack you can run to." Trent's eyes held a glimmer of hope that he was being let go. Time to squash that. He's never leaving this pack alive.

I stepped closer to Trent, who tried to shuffle back but was still being held by Accalia. "I thought you were letting me go!" I couldn't hold back my laughter. Was he really this stupid? Sean glanced at me in amusement.

"Tell you what Trent. If you beat Ember in hand-to-hand combat, no shifting allowed, you can leave." Preoccupied with the current situation, I failed to notice the pack member glance at each other in bewilderment and unease.

Trent threw me a sinister smile. "Gladly." Oh, he is so in for it. I rolled my eyes.

"Make sure you have some silver cuffs ready for me when I'm done with him." Sean nods are my request. I sheath my knife and call off Accalia who, rather reluctantly, drops his leg. She backs away to saunter over to Jaxson but not before turning and kicking dirt into Trent's eyes with her hind legs.

Trent stands on shaky legs before getting into position, his wound already healing. He no longer tried to play the victim, his true character showing. "I'll take pleasure in breaking your bones. I truly missed the sound of your whimpers of pain. You were my favorite toy." I lunged forward punching him in the nose before he could utter another word. Deja vu much? Didn't I just do this with Travis?

"You bitch!" His teeth stained red with his blood.

"Aren't we supposed to be fighting now not chatting?" I raised a quizzical brow loving to egg him on. He growled before running at me.

He doesn't know who he's dealing with. All the pain and torment I experienced has made me bottle my emotions, just waiting for release. I have some seriously pent-up anger.

He threw his arm forward to punch me, but I quickly blocked it and sent a kick to his side. The succeeding crunch told me I broke at least one rib. He grunted in pain but shook it off. He tried to roundhouse kick me, but I leaned backwards just as his leg sailed over my head. He took the opportunity and grabbed my arm pulling me to him until he could wrap his hand around my neck. Applying pressure, he tried to restrict my airway. Glaring, I quickly moved forward, catching him off guard and head butted him. He still had my arm in his grasp, but his hand had dropped from my throat. I spun, using his arm and my shoulder as leverage to flip him over my back. I kept hold of his hand as he fell and stood over him quickly with his arm between my legs.
With one move, I brace his arm above my knee, bringing it down sharply over my leg. He screamed in pain as I broke it. I turned to straddle his chest, raining down punches to his face. He desperately tried to block me with one arm as his other was still healing. He managed to buck me off and quickly scrambled to his feet. We danced around each other, both trying to find an advantage. His arm continuing to heal. By now, he could at least use it to block.

We attacked each other with ferocity. Trading blows and punches. He successfully hit me a few times, mostly in the face or stomach. Jaxson barely contained his wolf at the sight of me being hurt.

He hasn't seen anything yet.

A brief look of triumph crossed Trent's face as we stood facing each other, chests heaving in exertion. I saw his fingers twitch and he lunged forward quickly drawing a knife from his back pocket. I ducked under his swinging arm causing him to stumble forward with how much power he put behind his swing. I spun around him and pushed his back with my foot, making him fall to the ground, his knife falling from his grip a few feet away.

It's time to end this. It's getting annoying. I'd much rather him be in chains, knowing there is no escape as I enact the torture, he put me through, onto him.

I dashed forward, grasping the back of his shirt and dragged him to his feet. I withdrew my knife and placed it against his neck, ready to slit it if need be. He froze in my hold, knowing there was no way out.

"Cuffs!" I grunted out to Sean who snapped out of his trance and ran towards me, quickly cuffing Trent. I pressed the knife harder against his neck until I drew blood. Toying with him that he was now under my control. "Take him to the cells." The pack gazing on with wide eyes as I ordered their alpha around.

As Sean grabbed Trent's bound hands, I grabbed his arm stopping him. I gave Trent a meaningful glance, my eyes glinting dangerously, before telling him "Chain him to a bed. And leave him for me." I smirked at the shudder of fear that ran through Trent's body. Sean agreed and led him away.

I felt a sense of relief once he was out of my eyesight. Of course, that didn't last long as I turned to face the gawking pack who just witnessed a human take down a high-ranking wolf.

Jaxson walked forward, tilting my face up with his hand to look at him. His eyes held concern and worry. "Are you okay baby?" Jaxson spoke softly, his sincere concern for me making me want to shed my pent-up tears. I simply nodded, not able to speak.

We walked back towards where the pack and Jaxson's parents stood together. Accalia yipped running towards me and jumped, putting her paws on my shoulders and she licked my face. I smiled at her and ruffled the fur on her head.

Collecting my thoughts, I looked towards Ashton and smiled.

"Well, that was a good therapy session!" He laughed at me before giving me a crushing hug.

"I didn't tell Jax or Sean anything, just that he was a traitor." He whispered so only I could hear. I nodded to him telling him I believed him. Jaxson grabs me from Ashton pulling me back to his chest while his arms wrapped around my waist. His wolf was still on edge. I melted into him, accepting his comfort.

"I think it's time the two of you talk with us." Edward's stern expression caught me off guard. I turned to look up at Jaxson, who had the same worried expression I did.


I'm not great at writing action so hopefully it was ok! What will happen next?

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