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~~~Third Person POV~~~

The sound of the warriors' groans reached Jaxson's ears as he walked towards the training grounds. He arrived just in time to watch a burly man sail over his mate's shoulder as she flung him into the ground. He chuckled, shaking his head in amazement. He watched in pride and adoration as Ember explained where the warrior went wrong and what he could do to improve. She had become an excellent teacher. Woman and children had even begun training more than they ever had been and The Bloodmoon pack has never been stronger.

Ember turned her head towards him, sensing his arrival. Smiling, she dismissed the warriors for the day. Jaxson wrapped his arms around Ember's waist, pulling her to him. She linked her arms around his neck as she gazed at him lovingly. They both sighed in content at being in each other's arms.

"Momma! Dad!" They turned to see little Sophia racing towards them. Her green eyes bright with excitement and her dark, brown curls bouncing as she ran. Being a 5-year-old, she is an adventurous child. She even inherited some of her mother's powers. She collides into Ember's outstretched arms. "Momma, I did it!"

Ember crouched down so she was eye level with her oldest daughter. "What did you do baby?"

"I made a flower bloom!" Ember and Jaxson's eyes widened in pride and excitement. Sophia had been practicing all week to connect with nature.

"That's amazing baby! I'm so proud of you!" Ember smothers Sophia's face in kisses as she giggles. Jaxson looks down at his mate and their child with so much love. He still can't believe how lucky he was to have Ember.

Life has been perfect these past five years. There hasn't been any large wars or fights. The pack has prospered and is stronger than ever.

Ember and Jaxson fall more in love with each other every day if that's even possible. They don't go a day without saying I love you and bless the goddess for giving them each other and their family.

'Come get your brats.' Sean's irritated voice sounded in both Ember and Jaxson's mind. They look at each other and burst out laughing.

'What's the matter? They are angels, Sean.' Jaxson lied. He knew his twin boys were absolute terrors. At only 3 years old, they had moved on from the terrible twos to the retched threes.

'Angels my ass. More like devils spawn.' Ember and Jaxson headed over to save Sean from Caleb and Caden. The boys had decided to cover their uncle in finger paint and then run around, yanking their clothes off when he tried to clean them.

Ember and Jax walked in to find a naked Caleb covered in tiny handprints zooming past them giggling his head off as Sean raced after him.

"Come back you little-oh hey guys." Sean noticed the parents standing there trying to contain their laughter. Ember turned herself into Jaxson's shoulder as she tried to muffle her laughter. Sean was a walking piece of art and even had a bright orange handprint smack in his left cheek.

"It's not funny." Sean growled as his eyes narrowed at his hysterical friends. Jaxson sobered up a little at his glare.

"No. Not funny at all." Another chuckle slid past his lips.

"I'm never watching them again!" Sean stomped away.

"He should try living with them." Ember murmured. She loved her boys but they had so much energy and such mischievous spirts. Luckily, Uncle Alex loves them to bits and would often take them on excursions to drain their energy.

Alex had decided not to be an alpha. Sean had told him if he ever changed his mind, he could have the pack lands back. Instead, Alex has become a beta-in-training to work alongside Jaxson and will take over within the next year. Jaxson will continue training the warriors with Ember, but they will focus more on raising their children. Alex hasn't found his mate yet but was also not in any particular hurry. He still dotes on little Hope as well as his nieces and nephews.

The twin terrors were wrangled, and Ember apologized to Sean for their behavior.
"Yeah, yeah." He grumbled before shuffling off to find his own children. They knew he'd never refuse to watch them; he would just gripe about it. He loves them all too much even if he would never admit it.

"I'm going to go get Ava from your parents and then we can go home and have dinner." Ember smiled up at Jaxson who currently had a twin in each arm. He was such a good father. He was always there and always interacting with the kids. Ava who was only 12 months old is daddy's princess. She will constantly make grabby hands at Jax to be held and hated it when Jaxson would set her down or show attention to the other kids. Sophia gravitated more towards Ember since they had a connection with their powers. The twins could honestly care less which parent they preferred more. The wild heathens would be fine living on their own with Accalia, who has now grown into the official pack nanny as she aged.

Later that night, Ember laid in Jaxson's arms, sweat glistening on their naked bodies as their breathing became normal. Even after 5 years and four kids, they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Jaxson's hand ran through Ember's hair as she hummed in content. Her life has been bliss. Finally, the world seemed to accept her, and she was happy and content with no more pain or drama.

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Jax's chest rumbled beneath her head. She glanced up at him with a smile. She could never get anything past him. He could read her like a book.

"How is Alex's training going? Do you think he's ready to take over?" Jaxson's eyebrows furrowed for a minute.

"He's great. Honestly, he can take over whenever I decide to step down. Why?" Ember smiled.

"I figured you'd want to spend more time at home since we are adding to the family." She smirks as realization dawns on Jaxson's face after a few moments.

He sits up suddenly, making her head slip from his chest. He drags her into a sitting position and cups her cheeks. "You're pregnant?!" He didn't dare breath until she confirmed.

She giggled and nodded her head. "We are pregnant!" Jaxson smothers her face in kiss after kiss and then places one last kiss on her belly where his next child was currently growing.

"God, I love you." He looked deep into her mismatched eyes. Never would he have thought that meeting a little wildling warrior deep in the woods, could turn his life into something so great.

She smiled back, cupping his cheek softly. "And I love you."


It's over! I hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you to everyone who read, voted, reviewed, and commented. It means a lot! ♥️🐺♥️

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