Chapter 37

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Just for the fight scene. Ember's is a little different, but you get the idea. ^^

~~~Ember's POV~~~

It's been a month since I arrived in Jaxson's pack. Things were going well but the dread in my stomach had yet to go away. It twisted in my gut like a knife wrenching through my muscle. I'm on edge. It's only a matter of time before Dimitri comes. I know he was watching me at the cabin so it wouldn't surprise me if he tries something. I'm not supposed to be happy.

But I am. Jaxson has been amazing. He's been patient with me and very loving. He's made it his mission to show me how romantic he can be. We haven't had any more fights, but I have told him a bit more of my past. I decided it would be worse if I left it for him to see when he marks me. That would just overload him.

We have been making steady progress and I've gotten more confident in my ability to be a good mate. It doesn't seem to take much with him. Cook him dinner, cuddle in bed, a surprise make out session, and he's a big melted pile of mush. It's quite adorable.

I've been honest with him and we talk about the mating process. He knows I'm nervous about having no experience and he surprised me by saying he didn't either. We would learn together and that somewhat eased my mind.

I think I'm closer to being ready for him to mark me. Most of my past is out in the open. The biggest thing I've kept from him is that I had been pregnant. I couldn't say the words. He will have to see and feel my pain for himself.

Edward has been like the father I miss so much. He has always been an ear I could talk to about things. He has been making plans and strategies to take down Dimitri. Every new plan he came up with he would tell me, and we would act it out to find any flaws. Inez has warmed up to me over our common love of baking. We can be found making breakfast every morning in the pack house. She tells me all about Jaxson has a child, much to his horror. I did admit to her I could never have children after the grandchildren topic came up again and she was heartbroken, of course. We had a heartfelt chat, and she was determined that adoption would be our best option. They did have an orphanage here although, thankfully, not many kids were without families. I haven't dared to go there yet. I'm not sure how I could handle it. There was a woman in the pack who had just given birth. Every time I hear that baby cry, my heart would twist with grief. I would never have that. What might have my child looked like had she been born. Would she look like me? Would Jaxson love her as his own?

The biggest obstacle I faced came from the warriors and one certain blonde tramp. The warriors were angry when they heard a human woman would be training them, even if some of them did see me fight Trent. Unluckily for them, our first training session was the day after I had tortured him, and I had some pent-up stress. They learned not to take me lightly after that.

"Okay men. You have all met my mate. She will be helping train you lot."

Murmurs spread through the assembled men as they glanced at one another. One hulking man with dirty blonde hair stepped forward. A mocking smile twisting on his face.

"All due respect sir, but she can't possibly take us on." He glanced back at the men and smirked as he talked gaining a sarcastic laugh from a few of them. The others who had seen me fight, tried to hide their smiles.

I raised my eyebrow as I stepped towards him. My cowl hid my sinister smile. God how I love to embarrass grown men in front of their friends.

Jaxson chuckled at the man, though his fists were clenched. He motioned towards me, walking over to a standing rack of weapons before tossing me and the warrior a bo staff.

"Okay Mark. Fight her." The look of disbelief and uncertainty flashed over Mark's face.

"I'm not going to fight a g-." I cut off his sexist remark by lunging toward him, aiming an overhead blow to his shoulder. He noticed in the nick of time and dodged. His eyes narrowed on my form before he moved, spinning the staff and advancing on me.

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