Chapter 30

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~~~Jaxson's POV~~~

Things were going well or as well as expected, I guess. I had to keep myself and Ares from killing that blonde tramp right there as she sneered at Ember. She was one of the ones who wanted me for status. One of the ones that tried the most. I'm glad Sean spoke before I did because no one would have liked what I had to say.

I wish I knew at least a little more of Ember's past. When my mom said that she wanted grand pups, I couldn't bare that look on Ember's face. We will have to tell them at some point but now really isn't the time. But my dad's behavior is concerning me. He seems to remember Ember from somewhere and the brief look on Ember's face told me the same. She clearly didn't want to acknowledge the situation as she murmured her apologies to my father.

She's an alpha heir? Ares purred into my mind.

If my father is right, then yes. But why isn't she in her own pack? Did dad say something about them being overtaken?

My thoughts were broken as we heard a car drive up. I tensed up, knowing this wasn't going to go well once Ember saw.

'The traitor showed up guys. Get out here. Shits going to go down once Em sees him. I need you to keep the pack calm if they see anything.' I mind linked Sean and Ash. I could feel Ash's nervousness and anger being pushed through the link as he literally growled his reply. It still irks me that he knows exactly what happened and can comfort Ember.

I watched Ember's face closely, squeezing her shoulder in reassurance. As soon as she caught sight of him, all the color drained from her face. Her eyes held fear before she steeled herself and her features were overcome with anger.

I had to let her know that she had a right to do whatever she wanted to him as long as she didn't kill him right away. We needed to question him. I leaned down until my lips brushed the shell of her ear so I could whisper without the others hearing.

"Do whatever, just don't kill him." She glanced up in surprise questioning how I knew before I nodded to her. She glanced at Ashton who had a furious glare as he stared at the person who dared betray his alpha and mate and had played a part in hurting his friend.

The traitor halted in his tracks, seeing us all surrounding my beautiful mate. As soon as their eyes met, realization overtook his face. He paled and his eyes went wide in shock. Then he did the stupidest thing ever and turned to run.


Short chapter for you guys until I can get off work to do the longer chapter in Ember's POV tonight. Any thoughts on the traitor?

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