Chapter 34

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~~~Ember's POV~~~

Jaxson opened the door and immediately dragged me into his arms. I sighed in content as I threaded my arms around his waist, snuggling into his chest.

"What happened? What did he want to talk about? What did he say to you? He better not have said anything to upset yo-" I cut off Jaxson's rambling by smashing my lips to his.

He growled and pulled me closer, as he tangled his hand through my hair. Our lips molding perfectly together.

He walked backwards as I walked forward until I was in the apartment, kicking the door closed. I gasped as he nipped at my lower lip. He gently probed my mouth with his tongue. His spicy cinnamon flavor bursting on my taste buds. I felt high, thoroughly addicted.

We parted, gasping for breath. Jaxson leaned his forehead against mine, looking in my eyes as his twinkled in happiness.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?" Jaxson tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, brushing my cheek with his thumb as he cupped my face.

"I love you." I breathed out. His face lit up hearing the words pass my lips. "I'm sorry it's been hell this past week. But I'm not giving you up. Not unless you kick me out." I joked, somewhat serious. If he asked, I would leave.

"Not on my life." He captured my lips again in a brief but loving kiss. "Come on. Let me show you around your new home. Accalia has already made herself comfortable on our bed." I chuckle at my lazy wolf.

He walked me through the drop-dead gorgeous apartment. High ceilings with large wood beams. All open concept. My eyes sparkled when they rested on the kitchen which sat to the left of the doorway. All granite countertops, a large oven and beautiful cherry wood cabinets. A large dining table sat to the right of the doorway, the wood glistening in the light streaming in from the windows. The living room that sat past the kitchen and table at the end of the room, held a L-shaped couch that sat in front of a large stone fireplace. The stones making up the chimney, climbed to the ceiling. A love seat sat beside the couch to make it more of a half circle. A glass coffee table sat atop a gray, plush rug. The remainder of the floors were hardwood. I could see a staircase by the corner of the kitchen, leading to a loft above our heads.

Jaxson's gaze burned into the back of my head as I turned in circles in complete awe. I turned to face him, starting at the intense look on his face as he watched me. His emerald eyes burned bright.

"What?" My voice shook him from his trance.

"You just look so beautiful. I can't get over the fact that you're here. My mate. In my—no, our home. I love you. So much more than I could ever say with words." My heart fluttered, a fire starting in the pit of my stomach, spreading through my veins like wildfire. I had never felt like this before. He had unlocked all new feelings for me.

He showed me upstairs to a beautiful bedroom with a master bath attached and oh my god is that a jacuzzi tub? I haven't had a warm bath in over 6 years. I had to resort to boiled water or the stream.

Jaxson noticed the longing in my face and chuckled. " How about I run you a bath? It will help you relax." He strolled towards the bathtub pausing briefly to kiss my cheek.

"Did you get my bag from the car? I need a change of clothes."

Jaxson nodded and left the bathroom before returning a few seconds later with a large tee. I raised my eyebrow at him, smirking.

"Really?" I couldn't help but be amused at his antics.

"What? Ares is feeling possessive, so he wants you in our clothes!"

"Mhmm. Ares does. Sure." The bath was filled and Jax had added some vanilla scented bubble bath.

"I'll be right out the door if you need anything." I closed my eyes, feeling his lips press against my forehead before he slipped out the door.

~~~Jaxson's POV~~~

This is surreal. My mate is currently in our home where she belongs. She's mine. How the hell did I get so lucky? Now I can take care of her like she was meant to be cared for. She will never again experience the need to survive on her own.

She seemed so much happier after talking with my dad. I wonder what he said that resonated with her. I'll have to thank him. Especially if it means I get more kisses like I just had.

Ares and I were yearning to complete the bond. But we knew she wasn't ready yet. That didn't mean we couldn't do other things.

She's naked behind those doors.

God damnit Ares you aren't helping.

My dick was hardening just thinking about her. Her soft, velvety skin against mine. I want to memorize every curve of her body, every scar and freckle. I want it ingrained into my mind.

My head shot towards the bathroom door as I heard Ember's contented moan echo around the tiled bathroom.

Fuck she really isn't helping.

I heard another sigh. Oh, how I want to make her make those sounds as she's writhing beneath me in pure bliss.

"Em, baby you got to cool it with the noises unless you want me bursting in there." I growled through clenched teeth.

I heard a beautiful melodic sound let loose from her lips. She fucking giggled.

"Are you laughing at my pain right now!" I shouted through the door incredulously.

"Oh hush. You aren't in much distress." I shook my head and went to collapse on the bed next to Accalia.

About twenty minutes later, I heard the door open. I sat up, taking in my gorgeous mate. She stood there in only my black shirt; it fell just above her knees. Her hair, still damp, was pulled over one shoulder.

I could feel my eyes darkening with lust. "You are so beautiful baby, especially in my clothes. I love having you smell like me."

Ember chuckled at me and leapt onto the bed. She shifted to lay next to me, wrapping her arm around my torso and laying her head on my chest. I wrapped both my arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

"Rest sweetheart." We both soon fell asleep to the lullaby of our heartbeats.

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