Chapter 29

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~~~Ember's POV~~~

The drive to the pack was filled with Jaxson's deep rumble as he talked about how the pack worked. Apparently, the pack was set in the woods so hopefully I'd feel more at home. The pack house was a giant log cabin. It usually held the unmated wolves as well as the higher ranked wolves like Sean, Ash, and Jaxson. The higher ranks had an apartment, soundproof of course, on the top floor. There were other cabins and stone cottages sprinkled throughout the territory. Despite being the pack of our Alpha King, it was still relatively small, with about 200 members maintaining 150 acres of land. There was a large gym for training purposes, a school, even small shops and cafes. There was a main dirt road that the shops sat by and the pack house laid at the end of that road. Most of the other houses were several miles from each other and didn't stay near the road. The town was surrounded by trees on all sides and felt very secluded and serene. Jaxson thinks I'll like it here since it had the same feel as my cabin, just less lonely.

Jaxson said it was designed to limit how much they had to interact with humans. They had a large garden to farm for their food, they hunted for meat. They had a small grocery store to help supply the pack with necessities.

As we turned onto the dirt road that led to the pack house, my nerves shot through the roof. My leg bounced relentlessly, and my hands felt clammy. I had never been one to be super nervous about meeting people, but I've been on my own for 5 years. Jaxson reaches over, placing his hand on my knee to still it, giving me a slight squeeze of reassurance.

"It will be fine, Em. You won't be alone." I gave him a strained smile as I tried to take a deep breath. I refocused myself on looking at the scenery. Jaxson was right, it is quite serene here. The buildings were spread far enough apart so it didn't look packed. A few people ambled around, curiously looking as our car drove by. Sean and Ash has already arrived at the pack house and sent out a mass message saying their beta had found his mate. Jaxson said it would be easiest to be introduced to everyone at the same time. Cue nerves again. We reached to the end of the dirt road as it made a roundabout turn at the front doors of the pack house. The house itself was gorgeous. Large enough to house the pack and kept with the serene feeling. It looked like a luxury mountain getaway. Jaxson had told me that training grounds and gardens were behind the pack house.

Jaxson killed the engine and gave me a giant smile. At least he was excited. "You ready?" He murmured.

"As I'll ever be." He squeezes my hand and exited the car after telling me to leave Accalia in the back until the pack cleared out. I hesitated for a moment as I watched the pack begin to gather, curious to see who the betas mate is. Maybe I should have changed. I was still in my black pants, combat boots, hoodie and corset. My knives were still attached to my thigh, but my bow and quiver sat in the back of the car. I suddenly felt naked without it. I had hesitated enough that Jaxson had enough time to come around and open my door for me.

He grabbed my hand and helped me out of the car. I heard murmuring as the pack got the first look at me. Or maybe it was my scent. Jaxson gave them all a warning glare and things quieted down.

I kept my back straight and stared at who was gathered head on. I won't show them a weakness. The majority of looks on everyone's face were more curiosity than anything. I did catch a few glares from a few young she-wolves. I guess most people would call them bimbos. Just from one look I could tell they craved status and nothing more. They will grow to regret that decision. I internally chastised them. They glared as Jaxson's arm wrapped around me.

One blonde barbie dared to speak even before Jaxson had uttered a word. "But she's human." Clearly this bitch didn't care if I had been told they were wolves or not. She was determined to show everyone how pathetic I am for being human. Jaxson tensed at her words before Sean cut in.

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