Chapter 41

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~~~Jaxson's POV~~~

What the fuck is happening right now?! Sean and Ash came barreling in the room just in time to see Ember's limbs twist and crack painfully. I held her in my arms trying to give her some sort of comfort.

"How is she shifting?" They looked on in shock as I shook my head in disbelief.

"I have no idea. I marked her and then the next thing I know she's screaming in pain and clawing at the floor." Ashton's eyes snapped to mine.

"You saw?" I grimaced, clenching my jaw and nodded my head.

"I saw. I felt. I heard. Everything." Sean's eyes looked back and forth at us before they lit up in realization.

"How bad was it?" I stared at him a moment, wondering how to respond and swallowed the bile rising in my throat.

"It was so much worse than I ever thought possible." I looked at my poor mate in my arms before staring at Sean dead on. "I have no idea how she is alive right now." His face paled.

"Because she's strong." Ashton stares down at her as she continued thrash and whimper in my arms. I wish I could do something more for her.

"Even the strong have their limits." Ember let loose a blood curdling scream as her arms and legs lengthened. Fur began sprouting from her skin. I smelled blood in the air and noticed that her teeth had sharpened and grew, cutting her tongue. Her nails grew out into long, black claws.

It seemed never ending. Sean came in probably 2 hours ago and she still hasn't fully shifted. A normal shift typically takes about an hour, but this is far from normal. How is she getting her wolf?! I thought she died. No, I know she died. I felt it.

It was going on six hours, we were seriously debating getting the pack doctor when, in a burst of fur, a beautiful white wolf laid before us. She was gorgeous, larger than Ares but not by much. Her long fur silky to the touch and she had a patch of discoloration spread over her right eye; exactly where Ember's scar was.

She gave a deep sigh and stilled. No noises, no movements, it was silent.

"Em!" I raced over to hold her massive head in my arms, shaking her. "Ember, wake up! Em!" This was it. She had gone through all this pain and torment only to die? I can't live without my mate. I can't. Ares howled in my head. I sat there rocking back and forth with her head in my arms, murmuring her name over and over.

Ashton brought me out from my ramblings. "She's okay, Jaxson. She's breathing and I can hear her heartbeat." In my panic I forgot to use any other senses I possessed and jumped to the worst possible conclusion.

"She's beautiful. Definitely an alpha female." Sean murmured.

"How is this possible though? Her wolf died. Both Ash and I felt her die." Ashton nodded agreement.

"We will have to wait and ask Ember. Hopefully, she knows. It's very curious."

"Well, thanks for being here guys. I'll keep an eye on her."


A fucking week. It has been a week since Ember shifted and she still isn't awake. Ares and I were both on edge. Snapping at everyone who spoke or came near us, destroying furniture, and downright abusing the warriors in training. Sean had to take over because I was being so violent with them. Sean had originally ordered me to train them when I refused to leave Ember's side. He regretted his decision.

Ares' thoughts fed into my own. I'm the more peaceful one of us but with Ember in a coma and having no idea on what's happening or when she will wake, it's making us both irritable and aggressive. The pack doctor is a fucking joke and had no clue what was happening.

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