Chapter 3

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Nightmares always make me stressed. To relive what happened and think of alternative scenarios that could have saved everything. I always feel like shit once I wake up. I can't go back and change what happened no matter how much I long to.

With the past on my mind, I hastily put on my clothes. I grabbed my tight, black pants and pulled them up over my hips. Throwing on my black, long sleeve shirt over my bra, I grabbed the other necessities. My shirt had a hood I usually used to avoid my hair getting tangled in branches. I adjusted my black corset around my waist, so it sat just under my breasts. I looped my tan leather belt, that I could attach my knives to, through my pants. I attached my thigh strap to my right thigh and slid two of my larger knives into their compartments. I wrapped my quiver for my bow around my shoulder. The strap was leather that would extend over my right shoulder and gave me a little more protection. I decided against my black gloves that I usually wore. I usually ditched them once I started sweating. I grabbed my black cowl I used as a face shield and slid on my calf high black combat boots. I spotted my bow leaning against the wall by the door and made my way towards it. I whistled for Accalia as I left my cabin, drawing my hood over my head and the face shield up over my nose.

I always train in full dress. That way I will be prepared for every situation and weather condition wearing what I would in fights. It also helped that I looked fierce so if any humans were around, they would hopefully steer clear of me, and the hood and face shield also helped me hide the disfigurement of my right eye.

I began jogging through the woods and I weaved around trees, jumping over fallen logs and stumps. I picked up speed until I was at a full run towards the base of the mountain that my cabin sits nearby. In the five years I've been here, I know the paths of the mountain like the back of my hand. My pace slows a bit as the elevation gets higher. I chug on, loving the burn in my legs that takes my mind off everything else. Accalia jogs beside me. She loves our runs too.

I continue our pace, stopping only briefly to catch my breath or drink from the stream that trickles by. After about two hours we are halfway up the mountain where there is a clearing with a cliff that overlooks the valley. This is my training ground and my escape from my own mind. When I train, my brain zones out while I focus only on fighting style, maneuvers, and what I can make better. I don't have time to think about anything else. Instead, physically exhaust myself as much as I can in the hopes that at night, I will be able to sleep. It rarely ever works.

My biggest issue in training was not having an opponent to fight against. I spent the next few hours practicing my target practice with archery and throwing knives. I used a variety of tactics from running and tumbling while I did it to jumping off various trees and rocks as I shot or threw. I even tried to get Accalia to attack me. She never quite gets what I'm asking. She will usually run towards me and jump on me to give kisses. I trained as hard as I could. At least I have excellent aim now, even if I can't fight hand to hand. I was panting with sweat running down my face as I jumped from a large boulder, twisting about 90 degrees in the air and firing my last arrow at the target. My muscles were trembling by the time Accalia and I began to descend the mountain towards home.

Once we made it back to the cabin, I removed my hood and face shield while walking inside, the cloth damp from sweat. Accalia ran past me to go collapse on the couch. Lazy wolf.

I unstrapped my thigh strap and tossed it onto the kitchen table. It was around 2pm so I proceeded to make Accalia and I lunch. I grimaced as I realize we will have to go hunting soon. I didn't mind hunting until it came to dressing the animal. Such a messy job.

I had dug a small cellar type of space behind the cabin. I had to dig down to the permafrost so I could have a place to store food before it spoiled. Wintertime was easy as I could just use snow. I grabbed two fish that I had caught yesterday and some potatoes to fry up for lunch. I guess I should hunt tonight or tomorrow at dawn that way the deer would be out grazing. I might get a bear if I'm lucky. They are out trying to fatten up before winter hits which should be another month or two. My mind drifted to all the chores I needed to do before the snow hit. At least they will keep me busy.

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