Chapter 57

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~~~Jaxson's POV~~~

The sun was bright, glaring in through the window but I couldn't bring myself to move. Ember's dark hair seemed to illuminate by the sun's rays. Her soft, naked body flush against mine.

After breakfast, I just couldn't seem to keep my hands off of Ember. Ares pushing through to take control as well. We loved on every inch of her body until she was so spent, she fell into a restful slumber. I was too excited to sleep. My body wound tightly at thoughts of the future with little mini-Embers running around. I took the opportunity to watch Ember. The peaceful look on her face, her small sighs of content as she changed positions. I traced every scar on her body as slept. Memorizing her.

She turned onto her back, the sheet slipping off her breasts and down her stomach. I placed my hand on her stomach and rubbed it gently.
My pup is currently growing inside her. It all felt surreal. She wasn't far along enough to show yet, her stomach still flat. I can't wait to see her grow round. Ares has been swelling with pride and love. Warm fuzzy feelings he doesn't usually have.

I leaned down and placed a kiss on her belly, rubbing her hip. "We are so blessed to have you little one. Daddy can't wait to meet you." I kissed her again.

"You're the sweetest you know." I glance up to see Ember barely awake, looking at me adoringly through sleep filled eyes. Her hand came to tangle in my hair as she brushed it back. She smiled softly as I groaned. Her fingers feel so good in my hair. I traced my hand up her hip, over her stomach, to her breast, gently cupping it with my hand. My lips follow the trail my hand left. Ember lets out a soft sigh as my lips press against the supple flesh of her breast before I move up to her lips.

"You have no idea how happy I am. You are the greatest gift in my life Ember. I truly don't know what I did to deserve you." She wraps her arms around my neck, bringing me in closer.

"You are my life. I love you. And I can't wait to see you be a father." My heart races at the words. I still can't believe we are having a baby. A tiny, fragile life that is depending on us. Shit. My eyes widen at that last thought. Em's body quivers as she fights to control her laughter. I glance up at her in bewilderment.


She laughs. "Your face." She continues to chuckle. "Did you really just realize what fatherhood entails?" I groan and bury my face into her chest.

"No. I knew what it entailed. I just remembered how small babies are and how defenseless they are. A tiny body that can't fend for itself." Ember cupped my chin, raising my head to look at her. Humor danced in her eyes.

"That's why babies have parents. To protect them until they can learn to protect themselves." She smiles. "And our child, will have so much more than just us. They will have Sean and Ashton. Alex and your parents. Mark and the rest of the warriors who stand behind you." I raise up on my arms so that I'm hovering over her, shaking my head.

"Not me baby. They stand behind you. Or at least us. I have never seen them take to anyone as they have you. Honestly, they like you more than me." She chuckles.

"I'm nothing special." She really doesn't see it. I brush my fingers across her jaw before kissing her soundly.

"You are. I will spend every day of my life, showing you just how special you are. I promise. Now, we should get up and spread the news." I grinned down at her. My mother is going to flip.

"Ugh. Fine if I really have to get out of bed." She giggled.

We head downstairs towards Sean's office where I had linked everyone to gather. As we walked in, Alex smirked at me knowingly. I glared teasingly at Ember who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"I had to tell him. He helped get supplies." She defended herself. I chuckled. She had the right to tell whoever she wanted. I walked over to Alex to embrace him, whispering softly in his ear. "You ready to be an uncle?" I grin at him which he returns.

"Can't wait. Thank you for making my sister so happy." I pat his back ignoring the tears that were forming in both our eyes. It meant a lot to hear that from Alex. Knowing I had the approval of her only family left.

"So, what's going on?" Sean inquired. I walk back over to my glowing mate, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her into my side.

"We have some news." I look down to Ember. A smile lit up her face. I glanced at everyone's' curious and concerned faces. My parents looked worried but relaxed when I winked at them. I nudged Ember telling her inform everyone of the happy news. She took a deep breath before yelling out excitedly.

"We're pregnant!" Everyone's eyes nearly popped out of their heads. My mother shrieked and raced to embrace Ember. She twirled her around as they both laughed happily. My father looked on proudly, his eyes misting. Sean and Ash has large grins on their faces as they took turns embracing Ember then came to me, slapping me on my back.

"This is amazing. How?" Ashton glanced back towards my mate who was still chatting happily with my parents. I scratched my head.

"Eh. We don't really know. We are just assuming she healed when she got Aoralia back."

"Well, whatever happened. This is such a blessing. I'm so happy for you guys." Sean smiled. "When are you going to show her?"

"Today. I wanted to tell everyone first." Sean nodded.

We took another hour to mingle with my family and talk before I told everyone I needed alone time with my mate.

"Jaxson where are we going?" I was dragging Ember through the path into the woods that led away from the pack house. I smiled at her relentless questioning. She wasn't one for being patient.

"I wanted to surprise you with something I've been working on. Seemed fitting to show you know especially after the news." I smiled as we drew closer. I really hope she likes it. "Ok close your eyes and I will lead you." She looks at me warily for a moment but closes her eyes.

I walk her forward carefully until we reach our destination. I position her and walk to her side so I can still see her reaction.

"Ok. Open." Her eyes flicker open and it takes her a moment to focus. She gasps, covering her mouth with her hands. Tears welled up in her eyes.

I hope that is a good thing.

"Jaxson, it's beautiful." She breathed. Her eyes wide at the view before her.

 Her eyes wide at the view before her

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"I thought we could use a place away from the pack." I took pride in the large log cabin I had built for her. Beautiful windows, stone foundation. It had a nice fireplace on the patio out front. This was for our future family. "There's a room for Alex along with a few more rooms that we can add our future pups to."

Ember jumped into my arms. "I love it! When did you do this?"

I chuckled nervously. "When I first met you. I called Sean to start the plot and then planned the design after. "I needed a place for my wild little mate." I smirk down at her. "I know you enjoy pack life, but I also know you like your privacy. I thought this would be perfect." She looks at me with adoration and love in her eyes.

"It is. It is absolutely perfect. For our family." She whispers before softly kissing my lips.

"For our family."

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