Chapter 4

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I stared at the man currently occupying my bed. After lugging him all the way back home, I was able to get him into the bed after a lot of pushing and pulling. He never regained consciousness during all that, not even when I started addressing his wounds. I had taken the knife out of his calf before I drug him home. I dressed the wound and stitched it up. It wasn't that bad. The wound on his chest and the laceration to his leg were the worst. His chest wound was made by a bullet which I was finally able to dig out with my smallest knife. I couldn't do much more besides disinfect it. Luckily, it had missed anything vital. Hopefully, his wolf would heal it quickly. His left leg had a six-inch laceration that I also stitched up. When all was said and done, I washed his body with a wet cloth. Taking off all the dirt and grime he had accumulated. Now, I was just sitting at my kitchen table watching him sleep and wondering what to do about my current situation.

He was my mate. I had no doubt once I had looked in his eyes. After losing Aoralia, I had resigned myself to a lonely fate. Yes, I had Accalia, but that only helps so much. There were long nights I would lay awake missing that connection you could have with another person. The intimacy. The ability to have a future. To have children and grandchildren. I knew I would never have that, and I had accepted it. Or so I thought. But now...I glanced at his slumbering figure, now this changes things.

How could I have a mate? I lost my wolf. To my knowledge, there had never been a mating to a human or wolf-less werewolf. Granted, not many lose that half of themselves and live to talk about it. Which brings me to my next dilemma. Would he reject me? I sat there contemplating all that could go wrong or right while he slept.

He certainly was attractive. He was fit like most werewolves and had a six pack. His abs look like they were chiseled from marble. Christ, his whole body did. It stirred something deep inside me. He had large broad shoulders, a sharp jaw line with a small scruff that showed he hadn't shaved in several days. His hair was longer on the top and shorter at the sides. He looked well put together. I wondered what pack he was from and how he got caught by Travis and his lackies? I guess I will have to see what happens when he wakes up.

I bunked on the couch with Accalia but refused to sleep. If he woke up and thought I was the enemy he could kill me, mate or not. I don't know his character, so anything is possible.

My heart clenched at the thought of him rejecting me. I hated this. I had accepted my fate and now everything has been flipped upside down. I didn't know if this was good or bad yet and that thought was terrifying me. I realized how much I missed human company, and we hadn't even spoken yet. It would be tough to go back to being alone after this opportunity had presented itself. Although could I really be selfish enough to keep him in danger?

I tried to calm myself and regulate my breathing as my mind kept tossing ideas of rejection and loneliness around. Ever since I lost Aoralia I have never been the same. My heart has shrunk and feels empty. It's hard, having another soul in your body and it is just so empty when they are gone.

I was broken inside.

I shook my head clear of my thoughts as a few tears escape. I hastily wiped them and bury my face into Accalia's scruff to muffle my sobs. She nuzzled closer to me, knowing I needed comfort.

A few hours slipped by and the man still hadn't moved. Dawn was breaking so I figured I should go wash in the stream and dress. I slipped out the door with Accalia in tow and grabbed a bucket so I could bring water back. I walked down to the stream and took off my shorts and tank and slipped into the deeper portion of a pool that was there and washed my body. Accalia stayed on the bank watching for any possible threats. Once I was washed, I stepped out and threw on my clothes and filled my bucket with water. I quickly brushed my teeth and then walked carefully back to the cabin so that I didn't spill the water. I opened the door and Accalia ran through first, barking for breakfast. I set the bucket down and closed the door. I looked towards the bed only to find myself staring into beautiful, green eyes. I gasped realizing the man had woken up when Accalia barked.

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