Chapter 38

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Mature themes ahead.

Ember's POV

His hands caressed my body, leaving no inch untouched. My need for him like a thirst that can't be quenched. The rough pads of his fingertips skim my bare chest, leaving goosebumps wherever he touched.

"Mmm you're so responsive to me baby." His husky voice bringing a shiver of need throughout my body. He kissed a path down my chest, stopping to dart his tongue around my nipple. I gasped arching my back at the pleasurable sensation. Fuck he loves to tease. His lips traveled south as he stopped near my core. Slowly moving my panties to the side so he could glimpse my bare, lower lips. He kissed all around me. My stomach, my thighs, everywhere but where I needed touched the most. The burn growing larger, begging to be put out.

I just want him close. Closer than he has ever been before. I want everything he can give me.

"Please Jaxson." I whimper breathlessly.

I jolt awake to the sound of the door closing. My eyes snap open to reveal the amused face of Jaxson. He was leaning casually against the door frame watching me with his arms crossed over his chest. I must have fallen asleep in bed.

"Now, tell me, what did you possibly mean by, please Jaxson?" He smirked, his eyes twinkling with a predatory gleam. "Care to spare the details?" His sharp canines glinted as he grinned.

I blushed, looking away from him. How can I get myself out of this one? He chuckled as he stalked towards me, kneeling on the bed and crawling over me slowly, forcing me to lay down.

He looked every bit the predator he was right now. Eyes darkening with lust, the driven look in his eyes. I looked up at him hesitantly. I was ready. I knew I was. These dreams just prove how much I've been wanting this.

"I get them too you know." His lusty rumble shot a spark of desire through me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I panted out, trying to act nonchalant. Jax quirked his eyebrow at me.

"Really now." He drawled out. "So, it wouldn't phase you a bit if I did this?" He leaned down and placed a kiss just below my ear. I held back my shudder. "Or this?" He placed a kiss at the base of my neck. A gasp tried to fight passed my pressed lips. "Or this?" He whispered before gently sucking where he would mark me.

My gasp escaped as pleasure ricocheted throughout my body. Jaxson's lips moved to attack mine with ferocity, mine moving against his just as eagerly. He gently bit my lower lip and pulled it with his teeth, causing me to gasp, letting his soft, velvety tongue slip inside my mouth. His tongue gently caressed mine and I sighed into his mouth, my body melting under his.

He used one hand to hold himself up, hovering above me. His other hand found the hem of the shirt I was wearing and slipped under it. He gently traced around my navel before moving higher, tracing the outline of my breasts. My breaths were coming out in pants and breathy moans as Jaxson's hands turned me into a pliant puddle of goo. I couldn't think of anything other than what he was doing to my body.

His lips still working on my neck as his hand caressed my breast. Fondling it and kneading it. I let out a moan of satisfaction. Jaxson quickly swallowed another moan as he moved over my lips to capture them in a searing kiss.

I wound my hands through his hair as I clutched him to me. Desperate not to lose contact. I ran my hands along his chest, the muscles tensing slightly beneath my fingers before they relaxed again. I could feel the outline of his abs. I ran my hand to his shoulders and down his arms, his biceps trembling as he held himself over me. We broke apart, gasping for breath as we continued to touch and massage each other. Neither of us wanting to break the steamy trance we were in.

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