Chapter 5

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Jaxson's POV

I sprinted through the thicket, dodging trees while trying to get away from the pack of hunters. I couldn't shift once they shot me with a silver bullet. Then, they sliced my thigh while I scrambled away. My wolf, Ares, was focusing more on healing than the ability to shift now. All I could do was run to give him time.

I kept running. Faster and farther than I ever thought I could. I had to get away so I could get back to the pack. Sean would be pissed if his beta dies at the hands of three hunters. I kept my ears on them as I continued to run. Maybe I could lose them in the mountain that was nearby.

"Get him!" I heard the leader's voice shout. They were about 100 yards behind me.

I needed more distance.

"Hurry, before he reaches the witch's borders!" A witch lived nearby? I never got any reports of another supernatural located in this area. Maybe they were just calling this person names. They are human after all.

Suddenly, I felt a searing pain in my calf. Screaming, I crumpled to the ground. They threw a bloody knife at me.

Fuck, I couldn't run anymore. I was spent.

I heard the hunters' approach and started trying to crawl away. I heard a rustle and suddenly a huge, black wolf was hurdling past the brush towards me. It took me a moment to realize this was an actual wolf not a fellow were.

The wolf flew over my head and landed behind me growling. Suddenly, a figure stood up from behind a tree. A woman dressed in black slowly walked towards me while she notched three arrows into her bow. A faint aroma tickled my nose wafting towards me as she walked. Inhaling as deeply as I could while I was catching my breath, I smelled the sweetest smell of mint chocolate. My eyes widened as she glanced down at me and I swear I stopped breathing.

"Mate! We found our mate!" Ares started howling in my mind.

I couldn't reply. I was in a trance as I stared into her eyes. They were unusual. Her right eye was a milky light blue color, and her left eye was brown. I wanted nothing more than to stare at her for hours, but I could feel my mind slipping towards blackness as I passed out. The last thing I heard was the sweetest voice that had a cold edge to it.

"Enough. Leave him be Travis. "


I groaned. I could feel pain in my leg and chest. My eyes were heavy as I fought to open them. After blinking a few times, I looked at my surroundings as I struggled to sit up.

I was in a bed wrapped in a blanket. I looked around at the room I was in. It looked like a small, one room cabin. A couch with a pillow and crumpled blanket on it was in front of me at the end of the cabin, a fireplace near it. I saw a kitchen table and a chair and a sink and countertop. It was minimal.

As I became more aware of my surroundings, I realized that the amazing smell of mint chocolate blanketed the room. This was my mate's house.

I heard the door unlatch. Suddenly a giant, black wolf ran into the room towards the couch and barked. My heart skipped a beat when I saw who stepped in next.

Never in my 25 years had I seen someone with as much beauty. She was dressed in a tank top and shorts. Her ebony hair tumbled over her shoulders. She was slender but fit. You could see the muscles in her long, tan legs. Her arms looked sturdy too as she set down a bucket she was carrying. I watched as her head turned to glance my way. My breath hitched and I heard her gasp as our eyes met, can she feel the bond? I couldn't get over her unusual eye coloring. I wonder if she was born with it. I saw her plump, pink lips moving but I didn't catch anything she said. My mind was far away thinking about what it would be like to kiss her. I watched as she turned and slowly walked towards me and waved her hand in front of my face. I blinked a few times coming back to reality and looked at her.

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