Chapter 54

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~~~Ember's POV~~~

My whole body is trembling and aching. The burning in my back almost becoming too much. I can't seem to remember what it feels like to be without pain. Dimitri visited my cell a few hours after Mark left, taunting me with vile words and crass actions. I have a few more bruises and scars to add to my collection but I tonight it all ends. Either Dimitri dies; or I do.

I can hear the sounds of the pack quiet down and I realized the sun must be setting. I'm hoping that this all goes smoothly, and that Dimitri doesn't come back until the alarm is raised. I really hope the boys got the video Mark was supposed to send. It really all comes down to timing.

A clank and a thud reach my ears. The sound of a heavy door being pushed open. Footsteps descend the stairs into the lower level my cell is on. Slow shuffling comes closer and closer. The extra bolt Dimitri placed after my last escape was nudged from its lock. My cell door opens with a soft squeak as Mark pops his head through hesitantly. He nods at me. It is time.

I draw on Aoralia who has been abnormally quiet. Releasing my aura but maintaining my human scent, I grimace as I pull against my restraints. To minimize the noise, I decide against just breaking the chains from the wall. Instead, I go the more painful route, slowly dislocating my thumbs like I had done last time. I groan as each one pops from its socket, releasing me from my bonds. I heave a sigh of relief, snapping my thumbs back in place and stretching out my stiff muscles.

I can feel my old wounds healing, the pain lessening, giving me the reprieve, I need to fight this next battle. Mark embraces me in a fierce hug as soon as my stiff posture relaxes.

"God, I don't know how you fucking do it. You just stood there and took everything! Christ, I almost lost control seeing you like that." He whispers softly into my ear, but I can hear the sorrow and anguish in his voice. I hug him back, relishing in the comfort of his embrace.

We swiftly and quietly move towards the exit. We must do this during the shift change of the guards. Dimitri apparently thinks highly of himself, so guards leave their posts for about ten minutes before they are replaced. I had to roll my eyes at that.

Mark raises his arm to stop me as a guard shuffles past the entrance to the cells. I exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding in when the guard continued past, unaware we were right behind the door. Once he was a good distance away, Mark opens the door as quietly as possible and we dart towards to forest edge.

The forest appears eerie and silent once we reach it. The dark shadows keep me on edge, my eyes darting everywhere to watch for threats. It feels like each shadow could hold the enemy just waiting to pop out from hiding. I know a few miles away; Jaxson and the guys should be waiting, and they will have brought all my gear.

Suddenly, a piercing howl splits the air. Mark looks at me wide eyed wondering what to do. The alarm has been sounded.

'I'll wait here. Run to find the others. I need my weapons. Get back here as quick as you can!' I mind link Mark and he takes off, shifting midair as he races to find out friends.

I glance up and around, trying to find a good place to hide. I turn and grasp a low tree branch, hauling myself up and climbing to the top. I find a sturdy branch about three quarters of the way up and stand there staring towards the pack. I can hear the guards shouting orders to each other, growls of discontent sounding about.

I mask any scent of myself and continue surveying my surroundings, hoping Mark gets back before they find me. My keen eyes snap to the outline of Dimitri stalking towards the center of the clearing in front of the house. He was positively fuming. Good. Maybe that means he hasn't figured out my plan.

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