Chapter 55

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~~~Third person POV~~~

Ember's body hummed with power as Dimitri's warriors poised to attack. What a coward. Her lips curled into a snarl. How dare he wreak havoc on her life and then not meet her in battle. He won't get away from her. Not this time. To think he thought he could just thrust his rogues in front of him to protect him. That trick won't work with her.

Ember emitted a deep, rumbling growl that shook the ground, halting the warriors in their place. Dimitri paused mid step, the power in her voice freezing him in his place. He slowly turned around to meet her furious gaze.

Her eyes blazed white as she took in the warriors surrounding her. Rogues with no semblance of loyalty. Her eyes trained on the red eyed devil. He was trembling at the aura rolling off of her in waves, choking him.

How could she be so powerful.

Her head tilted to the side as she eyed him. "You dare run from me? What's the matter?" She chuckled darkly. "Afraid you can't take the pain? I seem to remember you like pain." His face paled as she stepped closer.

Jaxson tensed as he watched his mate draw closer to Dimitri's rogues. He wanted to step in, but he knew in his heart Ember would hate him for it and she needed to do this alone. She needed to face the demon of her past head on.

A spark flamed in Dimitri's eyes. He would not be brought down by some little girl. She may have alpha blood in her, but he is a warlock. He knew they were outnumbered. He needed to figure out how to gain an advantage and fast.

Whispering an incantation, he waved his hand over the rogues he employed. At least they can be useful for something. Their muscles grew larger, their teeth sharper and longer. He imbued them with speed and strength. There. That will level the playing field.

He smirked as Ember's growled under her breath. She may be able to stop his warriors with one growl, but she couldn't stop him.

In one instant, the rogues lunged to attack, heeding Dimitri's orders to leave Ember be. She was his. If he couldn't have her delicious cunt for himself, he would kill her before letting someone else have her. He was the first to enter her untouched body, the first to fill her with his seed, the first to get her to conceive. She was his, no exceptions. He almost felt bad about the thought of killing her. He'd never had such a good fuck in his life. He loved hearing her scream as she ripped into him. Her tight body enveloping his dick like no one else could. She would have made a good sex slave. But she was more trouble than she was worth. Maybe before he killed her, he could take her one more time.

Ember glared at Dimitri with hatred. How did he get to be this way? She guessed she would never find the answers she truly wanted. She could see him muttering under his breath and watched as the rouges gained strength. Shit. She quickly huffed out her own protection spell on her pack. It wasn't as powerful as Dimitri's, but it would help.

The two packs met head on, a scrabble of snapping bones and howls of pain. The sound of flesh ripping, gun shots reverberating through the air, knives clashing against one another. It all turned to shit quickly.

Jaxson tried to keep one eye on Ember as he fought. Christ, these guys were strong and fast. Whatever that asshole did helped. As fast as he could put one rogue down, another followed. He glimpsed Ember and Dimitri standing still staring at one another, after he thrust his knife in the belly of a rogue; yanking it up and out his body.

"You surprise me little wolf." Ember continued glaring at Dimitri as she tried to formulate a plan in her head. Her eyebrow quirked up at his words. "I thought I killed your wolf. And now you're back, better than ever. Bet you'd be even more of a beast in the sack." He purred out his last words causing Ember to physically grimace.

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