Chapter 16

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Trigger warning

My body was heavy like I was wading through molasses. My eyes kept fluttering open and closed as I fought to stay conscious. I could vaguely make out that I was back in my cell only this time I was laying on my back in a from cot. My arms and legs chained out. I couldn't move if I tried. I don't remember what happened or when I blacked out.

I want to die. There is no point to living anymore. I have no one left in my life and I can barely even stand my own company. Dimitri has broken me in every way imaginable, but it's my fault. I let him. I have given up. I'm now just a shell of the person I once was. My eyes devoid of life, dull and cold. I wake up every day chained, go through unimaginable pain and then I fall asleep again, chained, only to repeat the process the next day.

When was the last time I could walk on my own two feet? When was the last time I felt the sun on my face, the wind caressing me as it blew through the trees? When did I last feel the earth beneath my paws as I ran for miles just enjoying the wild? I haven't heard Aoralia in months and can barely feel her presence. I'm still healing albeit slowly so I know she's there, but I can feel her dying. Day by day, hour by hour, I feel her slipping further away. Half my soul will be gone soon, and it is my fault.

My mind became clearer as I heard the cellar door open and close. Footsteps drawing closer to my cell with every breath I took. I knew it was him. He never has anyone else near me anymore, even Trent whom I thought he trusted.

The door flew open, crashing into the wall revealing a red eyed, fuming Dimitri.

"That was your last chance you bitch." His face contorted with pure rage. This is it. He's finally had enough of me. I can die and be free.

"You were supposed to have my child!" He screamed, spit flying from his mouth as he fumed at me. I could only lay there watching him pace, my eyes following his every movement. "We would have had the most powerful offspring the world had ever seen! A hybrid! I would have had all the power in the world! And what did you do?" He sneered at me as he crouched down to my level. I could feel his spit and breath on my face as he continued to seethe. "You aborted it." He quickly rises and backhands me across my face. "You useless slut!" He punched me in my stomach causing my breath to escape. "What good are you if you can't give me the one thing I need! I should have killed you right off the bat just like I did your family." He chuckled darkly.

"You have nothing left. No family, no friends, no mate. And soon you won't have a wolf." His head snaps back as he laughs. "I've been poisoning your water with wolfsbane since I've had you here. She will be gone soon, and then you will be nothing more than a mere human." He smirks as he continues to stare me down. "It will all be over soon little wolf." He rakes his eyes over my body, his red eyes darkening with lust. He moves to hover over me, his knees between my splayed legs.

"But first," He grasps my chin firmly, forcing me to look at him. "I'm going to have my fun one last time. That sweet little cunt of yours just feels too good around my cock. It would be a shame to waste it." My body shudders in revulsion and terror as his hands leave my face and travel to my chest. He shreds the large T-shirt I have covering me and roughly grasps my breasts. I can't do this anymore. I try my best to tune him out. To not feel his gross touch and grabby hands all over my body. I tried to block out the sound of his zipper falling. I began sobbing as he entered me, thrusting hard and fast, ruining me.

He was still inside me as he drew a large knife from his belt. "I will show everyone that could ever want you, that you belong to me."

I screamed in agony as he began carving his name into my thigh. I felt every excruciating cut he made as he branded me. He pulled out and quickly reposition himself so he could suck on my open wounds. Licking up every drop of blood spilt with his vile tongue.

"So good." He mumbles as he continued, his tongue trailing ever closer to my core. He reached the final mark, raising back up and giving my cunt a hard slap. "This is owned by me now. No one will ever want you once they see my name tattooed on your skin. So close to that delicious pussy of yours." He groaned fisting his cock in his hands as he approached my spread legs again.

No. God no. Why can't he be done! I tried to pull my legs together, but the chains made it impossible. He viciously thrust back into me, watching as I shrieked and writhed in pain beneath him.

"Just kill me already! Just kill me!" I sobbed. A dark smile took over his mouth. He was enjoying this, enjoying putting me in pain and ruining me.

"Tsk tsk little wolf. You keep talking back to me with that naughty mouth and I will have to make more cuts." He slid the knife down my other thigh in a quick vertical line. The searing pain making me lightheaded as I felt a warm trickle down my leg. My eyes rolled back in my head. A sharp sting to my face brought me back.

"No. You are going to see and feel everything I do to this body of yours." I finally felt him still inside me after what felt like hours of agony. I'm so bruised and battered.

Finally, I can rest, I thought as he pulled out of me, tucking himself back into his pants. It will be over soon.

"Death is to good for you." What? No! He must kill me! Please! "I want you to live knowing you have no one, nothing. You will live with these marks I've placed on you, and you will always remember me when you see them. You will be alone for the rest of your life. You are so desperate to die, so that is your punishment. I will let you go. I will banish you to wander this earth alone, but you will live."

I was sobbing in despair. No, he can't leave me like this! He has to kill me! I need to die! I'm so disgusting. A vile abomination that has no purpose staying on this earth.

I watched as he drew a syringe from his pocket and started to slowly close in on me.

"Say goodbye to your wolf." He sneered as he grasped my arm and injected the substance into it.

The last thing I heard before passing out was Aoralia's painful howl before it was nothing but silence.

I gasped for breath bolting upright, regretting it immediately as my vision swam. Black spots danced before my eyes. Strong arms were quick to wrap me in a warm, caring embrace.

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