Chapter 52

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~~~Jaxson's POV~~~

Two days. Two fucking days that Ember has been gone. That may not seem long but to know where she is and what she went through before, I can't think about what she might have to endure.

She had taken Hope on their usual afternoon walk when she was ambushed. I should have been with her, instead I was with Trent trying to get more information from him since Mark was entering Dimitri's territory. We all knew there was a high chance Dimitri would see through us straight away, so we tried to get more information on where his meeting places were, where guards were stationed; anything to help Mark.

To think I had been in such a good mood after spending the afternoon enjoying some stress relief and a much-needed nap with Ember. We let our guard down.

I had been in interrogation with Sean, persuading Trent into giving us more answers, when I felt a searing pain go into my side. Immediately, I knew it was Ember. A few seconds later the alarm sounded.

The dread pulled at my stomach and rose in my throat as Sean and I raced to the unknown threat. We weren't prepared for what we found.

In a small clearing near the pack border, a tiny little girl stood sobbing. Her tiny hand clutched a plush bunny by its arm. Its white fur now spotted red with blood. No doubt the stuffing inside was soaked through.

Her broken wails reached our ears causing Sean and Ashton, who had joined, to release ferocious growls. Hope stood in a puddle of blood surrounded by a sea of dead bodies. At least twenty men lay slain on the ground. Hope's face was wet and sticky with tears and blood. She was so scared and confused that when she saw us, she screamed and huddled in a ball on the ground.

Sean and Ash immediately brought her into their arms, soothing her, as I furiously scanned the area for any sign of Ember.

I shifted and ran around the border trying to catch a scent. A faint scent of mint chocolate wafted through my nose as it led from our pack boundary into unclaimed land that borders Dimitri's.

Ares and I released a howl of sorrow and anger into the air. Minutes later the warriors joined in. Their friend and beta female has been stolen. I had to get her back.

I set out on a dead sprint through unclaimed land. Nothing would stop me from getting her back. My mind was blank except for anger and hatred towards the assholes that did this. I was running blindly, not caring if anything happened, I just had to reach her. But I was suddenly hit in the side by a giant force. It threw me sideways and we collided into a tree.

Getting up to my feet, I shook my head to clear it, and turned to see Sean's giant wolf glaring down at me. He snarled; teeth bared. I shift back.

'Stop this. You will die.'

'I can't lose her Sean! I can't!' My angry facade broke as tears began leaking from my eyes. I hunched over, sobbing into my hands. I vaguely heard Sean shift back before he embraced me.

"I can't lose her. I can't. I won't live without her." I mumble between sobs. Sean's grip tightens as he feels my anguish and despair through the pack bond.

"You won't. She is strong; so much stronger than she realizes and when she does find that strength, nothing will stop her. But we must be smart about this. You will never get her back if you just bulldoze over there. They will kill you on sight. We need to review security first." Sean stood up, gently rising me to my feet as he handed me a pair of shorts.

Walking back to the pack house, the solemn faces of the warriors greeted us. Their eyes lit up with sadness and pity causing me to growl. Their throats bared in submission not daring to want to upset me further. How dare they act like she's gone forever.

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