Chapter 53

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~~~Ember's POV~~~

The cell door clanged open, thudding against the wall with force. Guess he's angry. I was strung up, both arms chained to the walls as I stood in the center of the cell. My head hung low so I could only see the feet of my two visitors. I'm in blistering agony. Aoralia has been keeping our scent hidden, hiding our advantage, so naturally I couldn't heal, or it would tip them off. I raise my head painfully to see Dimitri and Mark enter the cell.

"Aww little wolf. Did you like my surprise? Knowing your puny mate was watching on, feeling, witnessing, what I do to you? Maybe I'll have a camera set up so he can watch as I fuck that little body of yours." Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Mark subtly clench his fists.

Dimitri saw where my eyes drifted and started chucking. "Are you heartbroken? Betrayed seeing your friend standing here?" I scoffed and sneered at him.

"Please. I knew the minute you had captured me." Dimitri tried to mask the surprise he felt, failing horribly. I smirked. "You really think I wouldn't put two and two together? You knew right where I would be. The exact time I would be there. All on the same day Mark went to your territory."

Growling, Dimitri stepped right up to my face, squeezing the sides of my cheeks together so my lips purse out. He placed a rough kiss to them, making my stomach want to revolt. The disgusting churning, bile rising at another man touching me.

I should be used to it after the year of hell I spent with him. But these past few months with Jaxson almost seem to erase the bad memories and I could only remember his touch. The way his lips felt against my skin. The burning desire every time he looked at me in a way that made us both shred our clothes quickly. I love his gentle embrace when he knows I need comfort, even before I know myself. He can read me like a book now.

I raise my eyes to Dimitri, glaring at him. The bile rose into my mouth, filling it with that gross sour spit that happens just before you vomit. I scowl at him and spit in his face. His, automatically twisting into fury as he backhands me. I refocus on his face, baring my teeth at him slightly. That wild wolf part of me never letting go.

"You better learn to behave. Or else I may just have to move up my timetable. I've been enjoying knowing I'm causing your mate pain. He's desperate to get to you. But he will never see you again." He growled.

My eyes snap to his. "This ends." My eyes drift to Mark's. "Tonight." I growl out. Mark nods almost imperceptibly at my hidden meaning.

Dimitri laughs. "You want my dick that badly?" He continues chuckling. "So be it." He turns and stalks out of the cell, Mark taking one last glance to me before following him.

I smile to myself. Soon, very soon. We would be free.


~~~Jaxson's POV~~~

My back was still killing me, and I realize it's because Ember isn't healing. I'm not sure why, they must have injected her with something to subdue her wolf. Which means they must know about her being back. I know she has not died, again.

Although we can't speak with her, Ares has been feeling calming and serene emotions. My heart clenched as tears threatened to fall. She was still looking out for us, knowing he would be on the war path. She must be more powerful than I thought to be able to push down the link when we otherwise were too far to talk or feel one another's emotions.

Jaxson come quick. We just got a message. My office. Sean's urgent voice pushed into my head. I darted towards his office, Hope filling my body that maybe this would be help we needed.

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