Chapter 35

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Trigger warning

~~~Ember's POV~~~

My lungs expand in a deep breath as I struggled to escape sleeps clutch. I feel so secure, so warm, and relaxed. My eyes fluttered open, taking in the brilliant sun as it drifted in through the window. I felt a heavy arm wrapped around my stomach, keeping my back against a hard chest. I smiled as the memory from last night drifted back. This is what it feels like to be loved. I'm not sure I can get used to having comfort and caring again but I will never take it for granted.

I turned carefully in his arms to face him. He looked so peaceful sleeping. Like he had no cares in the world. His face was covered with a scruffy beard since he was never able to shave at the cabin. (It really has been a hectic week.)

His mouth was open slightly, the soft sounds of his breathing escaping. He looked so content. I lightly traced the outline of his cheek down to his jaw where he had a tiny scar. He shifted a bit closer, craving my touch even when his body is in the throes of sleep.

Deciding to let him sleep more, I wriggled carefully out of his arms and tiptoed to the bathroom. I came back out to see Accalia had stolen my spot and Jaxson was currently cuddling into her. I grinned at the adorable scene.

Downstairs, I made myself aquatinted with the kitchen, deciding to make us a breakfast of eggs, bacon, hash browns and biscuits. I would need my energy for later.

Everything was mostly done. I was in front of the stove finishing the eggs when two arms wrapped around my waist. Jaxson pulled me against him making my head lean back against his shoulder. He placed small kisses against my neck, making me shiver in delight.

"I could get used to this image. You barefoot in our kitchen, looking adorable in my clothes as you cook. I don't think I want you to wear anything else ever again." I felt him smile against my neck as his lips laid against my skin. I turned the stove off and turned in his hold, lacing my arms around his neck as I smiled up at him.

"So, you wouldn't mind me training the warriors in nothing but a T-shirt?" I smirked as Jaxson's arms tightened around me, his soft growls filling the room. I laughed at his expression.

"Come on, breakfast is ready." I plated everything and set it on the island counter so we could sit and eat.

Jaxson groaned in delight as he took a bite. "I didn't know you liked to cook. This is heavenly!" I smiled, my heart warm at watching him enjoy my cooking.

"Yeah. I love cooking. I used to be in the kitchen all the time when I was younger. Well, when I wasn't training. I've missed it." I smiled softly, thinking about all the goodies I used to enjoy baking.

"Well, you can cook anytime you like if it makes you happy. I only ever want you happy. Don't think you have an obligation to me just because we are mates. And since you cooked, I'll clean up." He leaned to kiss my cheek, getting up to take our dishes. As much as I want to stay in this moment forever. Someone is waiting on me.

"Can you ask Sean if he can take me to the cells today? I have to have a little play date with Trent." Jaxson looks at me quickly, concerned at my sudden cold disposition.

"You sure you're up for it today? You have had a lot happen. He's not going anywhere." Jaxson searched my eyes for any hint of doubt.

"Oh, it's important not to miss therapy." A dark smirk played on my lips.

"I'll link him then."
Sean led me down out of the pack house to a winding path that led behind it. Pack members glanced at us curiously as we walked but didn't dare utter a word. My cold gaze, set jaw, and marching gait warded everyone away.

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