chapter 47

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She took a hesitant step towards him before they both were sprinting towards each other. The gripped each other furiously as they
sobbed in each other's arms. Ember's shoulder wound now completely healed. Ember retracted to look at his face. Grasping his cheeks in her hands, her eyes roamed his face. She let out a laughing sob and began kissing all over his face. Fervent kisses on his cheeks, nose, and forehead.

He grimaced at his sister's display of affection. "Stop it." He whined. He might have liked it when he was ten, but he is sixteen now. She laughed at him.

"You're my baby brother. I'm allowed. I haven't seen you in five years! God Alex. I thought you were dead! He told me he killed you!" Ember sobbed as Alex scrambled to make his sister feel better.

"Ember you couldn't have known. He told me the same about you. After he took you to the house in chains, I tried to sneak in, but I got caught. He said he killed you for your disrespect." Alex's eyes glistened with tears as he desperately fought to control his emotions. Ember hugged him to her, relishing in the sibling bond she so dearly missed.

"I'm so glad you're ok." She whispered. "I would've tried to come back for you had I known." He smiled at his sister. No doubt she would have. She was a protector at heart.

Jaxson watched the siblings bond and get reacquainted. His heart full at how happy Ember was. She was just as nurturing to him as she was with Hope. He let them be, helping Mark clean up the evidence of anything that had transpired. They need to leave soon before they were spotted. They loaded up the women and children into the military van, to escort them back to Bloodmoon.

He would need to interview them but that could wait until they were looked at, fed, and rested. They had been through enough. Jaxson clenched his teeth, wanting nothing more than to rid the world of every puny person who thought this kind of behavior was acceptable.

Ember could feel his anger escalating as his mind drifted to Ember's memories of being treated in such manner. Alex followed her gaze to see the large beta, trying and failing to contain his anger. He was confused, what was he angry about.

"Love." Alex watched Ember step forward with no hesitation. The beta's black eyes snapped to her at the first letter that left her mouth. He strode quickly to her and cupped her face. This must be Ember's mate. Was he mad because of him? Alex couldn't help but wonder.

"They hurt you." His wolf growled through his human mouth. "This could have been you." Alex's eyes snap to Ember's and she avoids his gaze. Her eyes focused purely on her angry mate. Ares was far more destructive than Jaxson, and she didn't want him scaring the others by accident. She smiled sadly at Jaxson.

"You were forced just like these women. Bound in chains for a year. I could have lost you." Ares mumbled not realizing that every person present was listening in.

"Baby, I know you're hurting right now. But I'm right here ok? I overcame it and I'm yours." She hugged him to her chest, slowly relaxing him.

Alex looked away from the couple's intimate embrace feeling awkward. His sister was so grown up. She had a mate of her own. Where would he fit in? Would he ever have what they do? He wanted his family back.

Jaxson regained control, blinking rapidly, somewhat embarrassed by his actions. Sensing this, Ember relayed orders to head back. The women still gazed curiously at their savior. What had she gone through?

They headed out leaving Ember, Jaxson, and Alex alone in the clearing.

"Jaxson, this is my little brother Alex. Alex, this is my mate Jaxson. Ember introduced the two awkward men to each other. Jaxson smiled at Alex.

"It's good to meet you man. Ember has missed you greatly." Alex shook his hand. He smiled at his sister's mate, not afraid of this version of him.

"Nice to meet you. I've missed her dearly as well." He turned to Ember. "He treats you well right?" He growled slightly. He may be younger, but he is still protective of his sister. They all chuckle as Ember nods.

"Better than I could have imagined. Let's go home."

They drive off to Bloodmoon chatting amicably. Alex warming up to Jax more and more as he finds out more about their story. They obviously didn't tell him what Ember had gone through, and he knew they were omitting it from him. He could guess as much though. He had watched her being dragged away in chains, her body beat and bloody.

"Alex, why were you being sold?" Ember whispers afraid of the answer. He sighs.

"I wouldn't submit to him. He has no right to that pack. But I wasn't old enough or trained enough to challenge him, but he knew I wanted to. He has destroyed that pack, Ember. Almost none of our original pack lives." Ember's face falls at the news. Her friends, her pack members. It was her duty to help them and she failed. She grimaced at herself, hating how weak she had been.

Jaxson reaches to squeeze her thigh from his position at the wheel. She attempted to smile, but it looked strained and forced. "I'm sorry Alex. I've failed you all."

Alex gasped. "How can you say that? You fought against him Emmy. You killed half the rogue warriors he brought. The only way he got you was shooting you with a wolfsbane laced arrow." Jaxson growled in hatred for the man who had done this to his family.

"Ember, none of the pack thinks you've failed us. You sacrificed yourself for them." How could his sister think so lowly of herself? She was an alpha dammit.

They arrived at the pack house soon after. Stepping out, Ember was pounced on by a large, black wolf. Alex gasped in shock, but ready to jump in and protect his sister, until she realized she was laughing. The wolf licked her face, covering her with slobber.

Ember turned and introduced Accalia to Alex. He smiled as she rubbed against his legs, accepting him into the family.

His family. He could get used to this.

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