Chapter 56

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Just imagine a wolf^^^

~~~Third Person POV~~~

She glanced around furiously for her mate. "Jaxson!" She screamed out. A groaning met her ears as she spun around quickly. Jaxson limped towards her with his arm wrapped around his stomach.

She sprinted towards him, as she got closer, he dropped his blood-stained arm to capture her in a hug.

"Oh my god." She sobbed into his arms as he clutched her. "You're ok." He pulled back just enough to crash his lips to hers. Neither one caring for a second that the rest of the pack looked on.

Their lips molded perfectly together as they always did. They were made for each other. Jaxson cupped Ember's cheek as she wrapped her arms firmly around his neck, their lips caressing one another. Jaxson's tongue swept briefly along her bottom lip before he backed off to look in his loves' eyes.

"I'm ok. Just got a stab to the gut. I'll be fine." She looked at him with worry and lifted his shirt to look. A decent size gash lay across his abdomen. It was wide and deep but not life threatening. The bleeding had already stopped, and the skin was beginning to knit back together. It was wide enough to leave a scar, but he would live. She closed her eyes and huffed a breath of relief.

"I'm so proud of you baby. You did it." Jaxson smiled softly as he noticed the tears in Ember's eyes threatening to fall. She took a moment to look around her, confirming to herself that it truly was ended.

"It's over." She whispered softly, more to herself than to anyone else.

The warriors began to pile the bodies to burn. Not wanting the hassle of burying them. Some of Dimitri's pack members who were not loyal to him, braved the outdoors to come see what happened. Ember took note of all the curious gazes locking on her. Some of them were original pack members who recognized her.

She could see their eyes light up in recognition. Followed swiftly by pity and even disgust with some. Jaxson tensed beside her as he saw that particular expression. Ember was having none of it. Anger bubbled up in her chest. They had no right to act disgusted by her. After everything she endured, she came out stronger.

She marched with a steady, confident gait to Dimitri's broken body. Gasps were heard as she wrenched his head from his shoulders. She stomped back towards his pack members and tossed the head at their feet.

"Here is your Alpha." She gritted out. Murmurs spread amongst them as his head rolled towards them; his dead, red eyes staring into space. They looked towards their savior. Most of them thanking the heavens that she came. The few others still disgusted by the fact that she was related to Dimitri and weren't sure if they should trust her. They couldn't fathom what he had put her through. Had they known; they wouldn't be so quick to judge.

"This pack is now disbanded." She looked towards Sean for permission which he nodded in return. "Those of you who wish to join Bloodmoon can; but heed my words. If you say a single, disrespectful thing towards me or my family. You will be so far out on your ass you won't be able to walk straight." Ember didn't wait for a response before walking away.

Sean and Ash followed her, walking a little way off before embracing her into a hug. She sighed in happiness at how much her life had changed. She now has friends and family who care for her. Never again will she be alone. Her thoughts quickly drifted to what Aoralia had said earlier.

"So... what should we do?" Sean interrupted her thoughts before she could fully comprehend everything. She shook her head from her daze and glanced at him.

She knew what he was talking about. He was an alpha. But so was she. And now this pack had no leader. Jaxson glanced at her quickly, wondering what she would choose. He didn't want to move, but for her he would.

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