Chapter 3

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"Weedkit! I got your tail! It's your turn to be the fox now!" Amberkit purred.

Weedkit rolled his eyes. "Fine I guess I'm the fox. Go hide!"

Amberkit ran to hide.

"Pssst! Amberkit! I'm over here come hide with me! He will never find us here!"

Amberkit looked over and saw Greenkit behind a patch of grass. She nodded and ran over there.

She laid down and looked over to Grasskit but she wasn't there anymore.

"Grasskit? Where did you go? Did I go in the wrong place?"

Amberkit stepped out of the grass and saw Weedkit in the middle of the camp. There was no other cats except for her and Weedkit.

"What's happening Weedkit? Where did everyone go?" Weedkit stared at her, his eyes blank.

He started to drift away. "Weedkit? Don't leave! Weedkit!"

Amberkit ran after him but she wasn't fast enough.

Soon Weedkit was gone.

"Weedkit!" She yowled. "Come back! Please Weedkit!"

"Amberkit?" Amberkit looked around. "Who said that? Was it you Grasskit? Or Weedkit?"

"Amberkit!" Amberkit opened her eyes and looked up.

She was back in the nursery with Sandmist and Grasskit.

Fallowwing was just waking up and her kits were waking up to.

Fallowwing finally had her kits the day after the battle.

Amberkit shook her head and remembered Weedkit hadn't survived.

"Amberkit, come on let's get something to eat." Amberkit turned to see Greenkit.

Amberkit got up and nodded. She slowly walked out of the nursery.

All of the clan was still mourning over the death of Weedkit.

Amberkit found out the apprentice that had killed Weedkit was named Larkpaw.

Larkpaw had thought Weedkit was an apprentice because of his size and he hadn't meant to kill him.

Amberkit sniffed through the prey. She grabbed a vole and sat down to eat, with Grasskit right beside her.

"Maybe we could play clans in a little bit?" Grasskit suggested. Amberkit hadn't played the game since the death of Weedkit.

Amberkit shook her head. "No thanks Grasskit." Grasskit seemed to understand why she didn't want to play so she just nodded her head and took a bite of her vole.

After they had finished they got up and went back to the nursery. Amberkit was ready to become an apprentice. She wanted to feel the grass beneath her paws and feel the fur of enemies stuck between her claws.

"Amberkit? Grasskit? Come here I need to clean you. Tinystar wants to have your apprentice ceremony soon." Amberkit's ears perked up. She ran over to Sandmist and sat down, ready to be groomed.

Sandmist started cleaning Amberkit. Sandmist had become nicer to Amberkit, which Amberkit guessed was because she realized the pain of losing a kit and didn't want to lose another one. It was an awkward silence but finally Sandmist had finished.

Sandmist looked at the two kits with pride and love in her eyes. "If only Weedkit were here." She sighed.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting." Tinystar's yowl echoed across the camp.

Fallowwing got up with her kits, Sunkit and Brindlekit, scampering around her paws. Sandmist took a breath then got up. She made her way out of the camp with Amberkit and Grasskit right behind her.

Amberkit sat down beside Sandmist and Grasskit and watched as cats started gathering around. Grayfire made his way over to Sandmist and licked her cheek. Sandmist purred and twinned her tail with Grayfire's.

The rest of the clan sat down and Cloverbranch made his way up to his place. Tinystar waited for everyone to sit down then started.

"Grasskit and Amberkit step forward." Amberkit stepped forward and straightened herself.

"Amberkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Amberpaw. Your mentor will be Longsplash. I hope Longsplash will pass down all she knows onto you."

"Longsplash you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Aspenberry, and you have shown yourself to be fast and strong. You will be the mentor of Amberpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Amberpaw."

Longsplash stepped towards Amberpaw and bent her head. She touched noses with Amberpaw and purred. She sat down beside Amberpaw and waited for Grasskit to get her apprentice name.

"Grasskit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as, Grasspaw. Your mentor will be Logtuft. I hope Logtuft will pass down all he knows on to you."

"Logtuft, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Maplespirit, and you have shown yourself to be loyal and brave. You will be the mentor of Grasspaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Grasspaw."

Logtuft took a step towards Grasspaw and put his nose down to meet Grasspaw's.

"Amberpaw! Grasspaw! Amberpaw! Grasspaw!"

Amberpaw closed her eyes as the clan cheered her name. Her mind thought about Weedkit. He will never know what it's like to have the grass under his paws and feel his teeth sink into his prey. I will avenge you Weedkit. Amberpaw opened her eyes and stared at the sky. I will avenge you.

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