Chapter 24

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Amberstream laid down in the middle of the camp. She perked her ears up as she heard the screech of battle cries.

That was a Thunderclan cat screech! I have to help them. Amberstream hesitated. Go Amberstream. Prove your loyalty even more.

Amberstream recognized Wolfstrike's voice. She got up and quickly ran out, zooming through the trees.

As she approached Sunningrocks she could smell the tang of blood.

She looked out across the battling cats and saw Riverclan was driving Thunderclan back. No! Streamstar had Cloverstar pinned down.

A familiar pelt was pinning down Greenwillow. Harestream. Amberstream jumped off the hill towards him, landing straight on him.

Amberstream tumbled into the river with Harestream in her claws. Amberstream felt weight land on her and her paw hit something.

Pain shot through her leg. Harestream turned around clawing Amberstream. I need air! Amberstream tackled Harestream again, who easily slipped from her grip.

Harestream flailed his paws hitting Amberstream who managed to grab a rock and lift herself up. Amberstream breathed in the air. She looked over seeing Harestream pulling himself up.

Amberstream jumped on to the ground and raced after him but was stopped as paws slammed into her side.

She tumbled onto the ground, sticking her claws into the ground. Amberstream quickly got up but was slammed onto the ground again.

She looked up to see a she-cat in front of her. "Oh look. It's the apprentice killer." She sneered. Amberstream hissed and jumped up throwing the she cat.

Shellbriar. Amberstream soon recognized her. Shellbriar slunk back. "Please don't kill me!" She pleaded. Amberstream snarled.

She jumped towards her neck but was pushed away again. She landed on her bad paw, yowling. She looked up to see Harestream.

"Haven't I already taught you a lesson?" She snarled. Harestream snorted and grabbed Amberstream, throwing her into the river.

Amberstream hit the bottom of the river. She looked up and tried swimming but was brought down again. She looked down to see why she was stuck and saw her paw was stuck.

No no no! Amberstream thought freaking out. She laid down and turned towards the rock. Amberstream looked at her paw and realized it was twisted.

She pushed the rock which rolled over. That was close. Amberstream swam back up and was once again thrown back into the river.

Shellbriar. Amberstream snapped her jaws around Shellbriar's leg, bringing her under water with her.

Shellbriar landed on the ground and Amberstream could hear a low groan. Amberstream swam back up leaving Shellbriar in the river. She dragged herself onto the ground and look a big gulp.

"Amberstream! Retreat!" Cloverstar yowled. Amberstream managed to get up and limped after them. My paw can't be broken! I have to train.


"Your paw is sprained. Stay off of it for a little bit." Reedpounce said finishing with her paw. "Thanks." Amberstream limped out of the medicine den and looked at her good for nothing clan.

We are weak! So weak! We lost against Riverclan. The dark forest is much better than this clan.

Greenwillow staggered towards her, blood dripping from wounds. "Thanks for saving me. I really thought I was going to die."

Amberstream shrugged. "It was nothing." She limped away towards the fresh kill pile.

She looked down at the scrawny prey. A vole, mouse, three thrush and a squirrel. Amberstream sighed and picked up a thrush.

How much longer can we survive this leaf-bare?

AmberStream's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now