Chapter 25

18 2 0

5 moon time skip

"Bluepaw your mentor shall be Amberstream." Cloverstar said, looking at Amberstream.

Amberstream walked up to Bluepaw and touched her nose. "Will you make me a great warrior?" She breathed. Amberstream purred. "Of course."

She backed up and listened as the clan cheered her name. "Clan dismissed." Cloverstar motioned Blossomfrost in to his den.

Sunpaw and Brindlepaw had became Warriors with the names Sunwhisper and Brindleflight. Mistheart had died a moon after the battle and the Dark forest was growing stronger each day.

Longsplash had given birth to four beautiful kits: Maplekit, Dapplekit, Spottedkit, and Darkkit.

Amberstream's paw had healed a moon after the battle. She didn't get to train in the dark forest so instead she had to watch and instruct while Moonpaw attacked Morningthroat.

Moonpaw had earned her warrior name and was now known as Moonspeck. Her sister was named Rainshadow.

Sandmist was expecting kits again. Amberstream was happy when she heard the news. She had survived form greencough.

Amberstream looked over at Greenwillow with her apprentice, Tigerpaw. Reedpounce had gotten Firepaw as his apprentice.

Blossomfrost had grown sick and Reedpounce said it wasn't looking good and she didn't have much of a chance of surviving.

Perfect. As soon as she dies, I become the deputy. I have to! I've worked so hard!

Amberstream looked at Bluepaw, her grey pelt shining in the sunlight. "Let's go train."


"But I thought you train without claws?" Bluepaw asked, her deep blue eyes wide with confusion.

"Not with me. We shall train with claws unsheathed." Amberstream flicked her tail. "Now show me any move you know"

Bluepaw hesitated. She jumped towards a flower and plucked it. She rolled around with it and then she 'pinned' the flower down.

Amberstream snorted. "Do you really think you'll be fighting a flower? Fight me you mouse brain!"

Bluepaw ducked her head, and walked over to Amberstream. "Go ahead."

Bluepaw jumped at Amberstream but she easily swatted Bluepaw away. "And then I kill you." Amberstream rolled her eyes.

Bluepaw's once beautiful grey pelt was now covered in dirt. She growled in frustration. "Come here." Amberstream orderedz

Bluepaw crept towards her. "This one would be easier for you since your small. Jump on my back and grab it with your claws. If you were with a group of apprentices you could easily take me down with that move."

Bluepaw nodded and leaped onto Amberstream with her claws unsheathed. Good.

Amberstream dropped down and rolled over, crushing Bluepaw. Bluepaw yelped and Amberstream got off.

"What was that for?" She whined. "Any warrior would do that if an apprentice was in that position. That's why you have to be able tell when a warrior is going to roll over."

Bluepaw tipped her head. "How do I do that?"

Amberstream motion for her to get on her back again. Bluepaw jumped up in the same position.

"Watch as I shift my weight. As soon as I drop down you drop off." Amberstream waited for a little bit then dropped down.

Bluepaw quickly jumped off and Amberstream stayed where she was.

"If you're quick enough by the time you land on the ground the warrior will be on their back. That's your advantage! You can then jump on their belly and scratch it or pin them down."

Bluepaw jumped on Amberstream's belly a dug her claws in. Amberstream winced but didn't say anything.

"Ok we will work on a couple more than we will call it a day." Amberstream said getting up.

She watched as Bluepaw slid her claws back in and backed up.

I think Bluepaw would fit in the well to the dark forest. I'll ask Wolfstrike if she can join.

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