Chapter 19

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Amberstream watched as the kits tackled each other. Tigerkit was pinned down by Bluekit while Firekit was watching them.

Amberstream has noticed that Firekit never participated in the games Bluekit and Tigerkit played. He was always with Reedpounce.

Ashlight had fallen ill not to long ago and her breathing was getting worse everyday. What will we do without Ashlight? She's calm and a great medicine cat.

"Instead of watching the kits you could be helping." Amberstream instantly recognized Fallowwing's voice. She turned around and was face to face with her.

"We are trying to fix the Warriors den so it won't be as cold. Then we will move on to the nursery. If you want to start on the nursery that would help a lot." Fallowwing turned around and trotted back to the warriors den.

Great. I'd rather be hunting right now. Amberstream padded towards the nursery and poked her head in. "I was assigned to 'rebuild' the nursery." Amberstream mewed.

Longsplash looked up and nodded. "Do you mind watching the kits to?" She asked laying her head back down. Amberstream stepped out.

As if I haven't got enough to do already. She snorted.


Amberstream grabbed bramble and placed it onto the nursery den. She pushed it in to make sure it stuck. That's one side done.

She walked over to the other side and grabbed more bramble. She stuck the bramble in place and made sure it stuck.

She finally got the den done. That took up to much of my time. She looked up at the darkening sky. And it's time for me to get some rest.

She poked her head into the nursery. "I'm all done." She told the queens. Poppyjaw stopped cleaning herself and looked up. "Thanks. Where's the kits?"

The kits! I forgot all about them! "Oh uhm." Amberstream stammered. Poppyjaw narrowed her eyes. "Did you lose the kits?" She said, her voice no longer calm.

Amberstream sighed. "Yes I'm sorry. I was busy with the nursery I forgot I had to watch them." Amberstream waited for an answer but all she got was claws to the face.

"How could you? You monster! My kits could be dead and it's your fault!" She screeched. Amberstream winced at her harsh tone.

By now all of the clan was looking at them. Sandmist stepped forward. "Poppyjaw you couldn't have expected for Amberstream to rebuild the nursery and watch the kits." She said calmly.

Poppyjaw turned to Sandmist. "Yeah what would you know about watching kits? If you would've been watching your kits Weedkit wouldn't be dead!"

Omg Poppyjaw! Why would you say that??? Sorry for the short chapter! But comment  how you think Amberstream will react to what Poppyjaw said.

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