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Prologue .5

Hi there, my name is Adam, I'll be your narrator. And I'd like to introduce you to a world full of magic, taking place in a world similar to ours, just that everyone has their own unique ability brought on by trauma. When their aching heart wants something enough, it will be expressed through it becoming a crystal somewhere on their body, and that crystal will have a very specific and enchanted ability.

Some people don't have a crystal, and some people have very weak crystals. Just as how some people don't have as much trauma as others. So in a way, the more broken the person is, the stronger their ability might be, which could be a bit dangerous... Ha.

Anyways, we have the entirety of this story to get to know more about these crystals and how unique some can be, so how about we get started on meeting our characters?

I'm going to dedicate the next 3 chapters to each one individually with 3 short prologues for them. Then we can get started on the story moving on, which is from what I've seen, intentionally and uniquely written in terms of narration. So if this little intro didn't exactly catch your attention, how about you give the first character a chance? Lol I hope you enjoy :)

Well, not "enjoy", you'd be quite a sadist to enjoy it haha. But anyway :P

One last thing that I would like to say, and this is serious. Throughout this book I will be talking a lot about trauma, and all the diverse types. If you have trauma in any way, there is a good chance that it will come up in this book. So if you're really sensitive, I advise that you don't read because I do plan to go into detail. This is very much intended for a mature audience. "Viewer discretion is advised"

Please comment anything that you'd like to say about the story! I love getting feedback, or even talking with readers about it!

Please comment anything that you'd like to say about the story! I love getting feedback, or even talking with readers about it!

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Alternative cover that I decided not to go with, but still love ^

Colored Full of TraumaWhere stories live. Discover now