Chapter 1 | The Past

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Gaara's P.O.V.

Your foot dragged slowly across the dirt as you swung slowly on a swing. The breeze sweeping across your cheeks was unusually cool for Suna, but you could hardly pay attention to anything else but the pain in your chest. Gripping the ropes of the swing tighter you bit down on your lip hard trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. You didn't know what you were thinking when you tried to play with the other kids again.

They had been playing ball with each other, smiles across their faces and laughter carrying through the park. When the ball had rolled toward you, you thought it was your chance to try again. You had picked up the ball, working up some courage to ask them if you could play as well. But... just like every other time, they ran away from you screaming. You can still hear the constant shouts and screams, "Monster!" "Devil!" "Murderer!"

Everyone in this village feared you. They told you that you were a monster because of what was sealed inside of you. Shukaku, a one tailed beast. The others would always run away from you, scared to even look at you when all you wanted was to have a friend to play with. You didn't mean to hurt anyone, you never want to.

You shook your head in anguish of the thoughts and sounds in your head. As you squeezed your eyes tight, tears finally spilled over as you choked out a quiet sob. You just wanted to feel something, to feel wanted or loved. But these days, you couldn't remember even one time like that.

You hated this village. You hated it because it hated you.

"Kill them all." Shukaku's voice rumbled in your subconscious.

"No! You're a blood thirsty demon. You're the reason everyone hates me! If I didn't have you, I would actually have friends. T-there's.... there's got to be someone out there that isn't cruel to people like me," You thought to yourself, clenching my jaw and fists. Maybe it was just Suna that was bad, maybe there was another place full of nice people who would finally care about someone like you.

"Just quit trying, indulge me and I'll show you what true power is, and no one can mistreat you or hurt you." Shukaku cooed trying to convince you to let him take over again.

You clutched your head shaking it vigorously as you felt yourself losing control, maybe Shukaku was right. Were you ever really going to find someone out there? Were you just holding onto hope of something better when really it's a mere naïve daydream?

"NO!" You shouted, not realizing it had been aloud until you felt a small hand on your shoulder.

You jolted up from the swing in a rush, nearly tripping over yourself in the process. As you turned, you found yourself face to face with a girl who looked about your age. Your eyes widened and darted between hers, who was she? You had never seen her before.

"W-Who are you?" You managed to stutter out. A light blush creeped across your cheeks briefly at the sight of her.

Instead of a response, she merely scanned over you and tilted her head to the side with a finger touching her lips thoughtfully. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally moved an arm from behind her and moved toward you.

You shifted my feet quickly in an attempt to move farther away until you looked down at her hand. A breath caught in your chest as you noticed a red flower with teal specs at the center.

For some reason, it took you a long time to finally look away from admiring the flower. When you did, the blush returned firmly on your cheeks. Her eyes were closed softly and a small smile lit up her face.

"W-what... why?" You asked curiously.

Her dark colored eyes sparkled as she opened them to stare into your teal ones. "Don't you see it too? It looks as beautiful as you," She said smiling again.

Healing Demons [Gaara x Reader/OC x Sasuke]Where stories live. Discover now