Flower girl
Word count: 954Taeil's POV
I walked into a flower shop looking around at the colourful and sweet smelling flowers. "Mom, which ones do I need to buy? They're all so beautiful." I asked through the phone. "Just buy something you think your grandma would love." I sigh and end the call. A girl walks my way out. "Can I help you?" She asks softly. "Uh yes. I need to buy some flowers but I don't know which ones, they're all beautiful." I looked around once more. "Does your girlfriend like a certain flower or colour?" This was awkward. "I don't have a girlfriend." She looks surprised. "Oh I'm sorry, what colour does your boyfriend like." I chuckle. "I also don't have a boyfriend. It's for my grandmother. It's her birthday." I saw the girl blushing, it's cute. "And her favourite colour is pink." The girl walks around and I follow her. She showed me some pink flowers. "Would you like to have a mix of different flowers or the same ones?" I thought for a second. "What would you like?" I questioned her. "A mix of these pink with some white roses and a softer pink of the ones I showed you earlier." She smiles as she told me. "Then I take that."
She gets a bouquet ready and it looked better than I thought. "What would you like to write on the card?" She got a pen and a little card with her. "Maybe something like: to granny from your moonlight. And a little heart." I saw her chuckle at the text. "Why are you laughing?" She shook her head. "It's a cute nickname, moonlight. I think it's very sweet you get your grandmother a present." I feel a soft shade of pink coming up. "She always called me moonlight, ever since I was a little baby. She's always there for me." I payed for the flowers after my little story. "Happy birthday to your grandma and have a nice day moonlight." I chuckle. "You too flower girl." We smile at each other before I walk out to the car. I looked at the flowers and saw a little paper between the card she wrote. I take it and read it. "A phone number? Cute. I'll call you later flower girl." I talk to myself starting the car and driving to my grandparents' house.
"Moonlight, you're finally here! Come give me a hug." I gave her a hug and after that the flowers. "Happy birthday granny! I hope you like it." She nods and looks at it with sparkling eyes. "I love it, my favourite colour and favourite flowers combined. Thank you so much, moonlight." I smile seeing her so happy. "It reminds me of the time I worked at the flower shop, I combined these to practice and to teach the new workers." Grandma got my attention. "Where was that flower shop you worked at?" I asked. "Downtown, in a small street. Not many people came there. It was white on the outside and had everywhere windows. People always saw the colourful flowers." She was describing the place where I bought these. "Does it have a board outside with the name in pink letters?" She nods. "How do you know that?" She asked full of wonder. "I bought the flowers there. The girl working there helped me pick the flowers." She smiles. "The shop didn't close? People still work there? Does the girl have short black hair with beautiful brown eyes? A small cute round face?" I nod. "Would you like to go there?"
It didn't take long or we were standing in front of the shop. I locked my arms with my grandma, helping her. We walked in and I saw the girl again. "Moonlight, welcome back. I didn't expect to see you this quickly again." She greets me with joy. "Flower girl, I like you to meet someone. This is my grandma. When I gave her the flowers she told me she used to work here." Her shocked expression made me worry a little. "Wait a second, I'll be right back." A little later she came back with a woman that looks like her, just a few years older. "Yuna?" My grandma asked the lady. "Miyoung, how are you?" She hugged granny. "Moonlight, this is her. Thank you for bringing me here." She was almost crying from happiness. "So your grandmother, is the woman why I'm working here." Flower girl said. "What do you mean?" She chuckles. "My mom always told about her, the stories inspired me. I do this job because I look up at Miyoung." She smiles.
"Maybe you can learn me to make a bouquet." She shook her head. "Maybe if you tell me your real name. But I can't learn an unknown person the magic from his grandmother's hands." She sounds mysterious. "Moon Taeil, can I first know your name as well?" She shook her head. "I like the nickname you gave me. First flowers, choose the ones you like." I grinned at her. "Easy, I choose 5 of these, 8 beautiful pink ones and another 5 of the white ones." Granny was looking what I was doing. I tried to do the exact same as flower girl. "Moonlight, no! You do it wrong. You're a shame. How can you be my grandson and not be able to make a bouquet?" Everyone laughs at me making me blush. "I'm sorry, I guess I'm not as talented as you granny." After a few tries the bouquet somewhat looks the same as the original one. "Y/n. My name's y/n, nice to meet you Taeil." Flower girl tells me her name smiling cutely.
A/N: well it's short but that's why I'm here, short images.
I know it's not perfect and I don't know anything about flowers but I hope you liked it on some way 😬
You can always correct mistakes and tell me if I can change something. I'd love to know things I can work on in the future 💚🌱Next up:

NCT short imagines
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