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Word count: 1004

Johnny's POV

"It's so exciting! I really can't wait!" I said very happy. "I've never seen you this happy before." Jaehyun smiles. "Because it's something I'll never forget. In a few weeks it'll be the best day of my life." I explain. "When will you tell us the gender? I want to know!" Taeyong whines. "Wait till the baby is born." I smiled, me and y/n are the only ones who know and we decided to keep it a secret. "I still can't believe you're going to be a dad." Doyoung says. "I've been in a relationship for over 3 years now and we're old enough to start a family. Just believe it already."

"What's the name?" Mark asks. "I'm not telling you that. And stop asking so much, in 2 weeks you'll get all the answers you're asking right now." I tell them. "Also how everything happened?" I glare at Yuta. "Are you seriously going to ask me that?" He just laughs. "I was joking, I don't wanna know. Not even a little bit." He says with a disgusted face. "Babe?" I look at y/n. "Yes?" I take her hand. "Can we go to the restaurant now? I'm hungry." I nod. "Sure. Let's go. See you guys tomorrow." We leave to the restaurant I promised y/n, I'd take her there.


I woke up, it's 3 in the morning. I was having pain in my stomach. Probably from eating too much at the restaurant. I sit up and drink some water. "Just be calm and breathe in and slowly out." I tell myself. "Honey? You okay?" Johnny asks. "I'm fine, I just ate too much. Just go back to sleep." I tell him. "Are you sure? Just wake me up if you need anything." He goes back to sleep, once the pain was gone I tried to sleep as well. I wish I could sleep but soon there was another pain. "Johnny." I try waking him. "What?" He was still laying down. "I'm having pain again." Once he hears that he sits up, wide awake.

"You really think it's from the food?" He asks worried. "Yes, of course. There's nothing with the baby, that's still another 2 weeks." I tell him, sure that's just the food I ate. "But what if it's not the food. If it's really the baby? We can't take any risks, I'm taking you to the hospital right now." He got up but I stopped him. "No, just sit down already. I'm not going to give birth 2 weeks before the due date." I told him, I received a nod. "Okay, I'm sorry. Let's just try to sleep again." We both lie down again and sleep.

"Babe, wake up." I shook Johnny awake. "What, what's happening?" He wakes up rubbing his eyes. "I was wrong. Take me to the hospital." He gets up and takes the 2 bags we already prepared for if the moment was there. "Come, just be careful." He helps me out of bed and we walk to the car. "Do we have everything?" I ask. "I got the bags, I got you, something else we need?" He asks. "My pillow, quickly. And take my water bottle as well." He rushes inside the house again and runs back with everything. "I'm calling my mom." I said. "Your mom?" Johnny questions. "You don't think we're doing this alone right?" I called my mom and as soon I told her she got ready and left her house as well.

"She's on her way. Oh my god. Oh no!" I exclaimed. "Why oh my god and oh no? I don't want to hear that, that's no good. What happened?" I was almost ashamed to say it but I have no choice. "My water broke." I quickly said. "Just do what you learned. Stay calm and breathe in and out." We were both breathing in and out. If other people see this they'd think we're crazy. We arrived at the hospital. Johnny helps me to walk in. "She's giving birth. Please help us." Johnny says a little too loud. The few people that were here all looked at us. But it didn't matter anymore. Before we knew we were in a room and they prepared everything for me. "I'm with you, I'm here." Johnny holds my hand.

Johnny's POV

"Here's your beautiful baby boy." Y/n was holding the baby, he's so small and cute. My heart was going wild, finally our little baby boy is born. He's so pretty. "Do you want to hold him?" Y/n asks with tears in her eyes. "Yes, of course." I take the baby in my arms. "Be careful with his head." Y/n says. "I am. I'll always be careful with my little boy." My voice got softer, it's like I'm dreaming. Now it's not y/n but me who's crying. "Look how beautiful. He's so cute, I love him so much."

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