Best friends
Word count: 1200Y/N's POV
They always told me not to be around him. People assumed we dated. Relationships ended because of a misunderstanding. But he's just my best friend, and no one ever understands except our parents. My mom or even Lucas himself always told me that if someone left me because they don't understand my friendship with Lucas, I'm not worth crying over them. If someone doesn't understand, I should just forget about them and find other people to be around. But it's not easy to find other friends if you've been friends with all of the school already. Of course I'm always with Lucas when we have a break or anything, but we don't have the same classes and it's easier to have someone you can talk with and be friends with so I won't be alone in class.
Flashback 4th grade
"Hi, my name's y/n." I was sitting next to a tall boy. He starts smiling and it's beautiful! "I'm Lucas, you want to be friends?" I nod. My first friend at my first day of school, yes! "You're new here right? I've never seen you before." Lucas said. "That's right, I moved last summer." I explained. "It's good that you're my seat mate. I know we're going to be great friends!" He laughs. "What about your other friends?" I asked. "I get along with everyone, I don't really have a friend I'm always together with. I talk and have fun with everyone!"
End flashback
"Mom, Lucas is coming over. Is that alright?" I looked at her as she was preparing lunch. "Of course. Is he staying for dinner as well?" She asked not looking up from the food she's preparing, mom is always concentrated. "I'll ask him. But I'm going to my room for now." I walked back to my room and sat down on my bed. I texted Lucas but he didn't answer, maybe he's busy. I did got a text from someone else, a girl from my new school. "She wants to hangout? But Lucas." I think out loud. If I cancel Lucas, he'll be disappointed. We're in different schools now which makes it difficult to meet up. But if I tell her no, I don't know what will happen. What do I do?
Flashback 8th grade
"So y/n, what about you? Can you come to my birthday party?" One of the girl in my class asked. "When is it?" I asked to be sure. "This Saturday. Please say you can come, it'll be fun!" I pout, knowing I can't. "I'm sorry, I already have plans." She sighs disappointed. "What's so important that you can't come?" They asked me. "Me and Lucas are going to." I was cut off. "Lucas? Again. You 2 are really strange together. I don't understand why you are friends with a guy." Just then Lucas walked our way. "Hey! How was class?" He asked me, but the girls came between us. "Hey Lucas. How are you doing?" I don't understand them. They don't want me to be friends with him but they do flirt with him. It's sickening. "I'm glad I can't come to your birthday." I said before leaving with Lucas.
End flashback
"Mom, what do I do? A girl from class just asked me if we could do something together but Lucas is coming over." I always can ask mom for help. "Tell her, you already have plans. That's easy and she'll understand. You and Lucas don't see each other that often anymore, you should make time for your best friend." I nod and text the girl from class. I'm feeling guilty but it's for Lucas, I really can't wait to see him again. "He answered with: If it's not a bother I'd like to stay for dinner." I read his response. "Okay, then I'll make extra food. But lunch is ready, eat that first." I sit down at the table for lunch.
"Lucas!" I hug the tall handsome male. "Y/n! I'm so happy to see you again! I have a lot to tell you." I let him in as we went to my room. "I also got to tell you a lot! I really missed you, school is not the same without you." I tell him. "There are a few students from high school at college. They all asked me where you are." Lucas explains. "Really? Huh strange, back then no one cared if I was absent or not. But anyway, I made a couple of friends at my school's band." Lucas claps his hands. "You're part of your school's band? That's amazing! I'm so happy for you. I also made some friends. One of them is my roommate and the others live in the same building, it's such a mess but it's great!"

NCT short imagines
أدب الهواة[[requests: closed]] OT21 Taeil Taeyong Johnny Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Chenle Jisung