Not as planned

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Not as planned
Word count: 1016

2 years ago

"Sorry, can I please. I just want to go that way. Excuse me." I try passing a group of girls but every time they'll just push me back. I need to get to my classroom. "Are you going to stop push us?" A girl arrogantly says. "What? I'm pushing you? You were pushing me!" She just gives me a dirty look. "Just get away already. You're annoying." I roll my eyes at her. I try to go to get past them but there were other students just standing, not moving a bit. How do I pass them all?

"Hey, you dropped something." Someone tapped my shoulder. "Thanks, uh do I know you?" I asked the unfamiliar boy. "No, I'm new. I'm Chenle." He smiles sweetly. "Nice to meet you Chenle, I'm y/n." I tell him. "That's a pretty name! Uh can you maybe show me where class D12 is?" He asks looking at his schedule. "You have science? Me too. Follow me, we're going the other way, this is no use." I start walking, Chenle following me while looking around the halls. We just got in time, the bell rang when we walked in.

Chenle sits next to me and I don't mind. I don't know him yet but he seems a nice guy. "What brought you here to this school?" I asked curious. "Sounds cliche but I just recently moved here." He giggles. "Nothing cliche about that. Moving is normal. Just let me tell you: good luck surviving on this school." He furrows and looks worried. "Why surviving? Do people die here?" I chuckle a little louder than supposed, getting a glare from my teacher. "Not fiscally, but mentally everyone's pretty much a zombie here. Some times I think they're brainwashed or something like that."

"Is it that bad here?" I shrug. "Can't say it's the best school but neither is it the worst in town." I answer his question. I see him look around in class, he's probably observing the student. "They do be looking dead. Oh I hope this doesn't happen to me." He rests his head on his hand. "Just don't be around the wrong people. And don't always listen to the teachers. They say totally different things than what's written in our books." I inform Chenle. I'm not scaring him or try to get him away from here, I'm just telling him the hard truth.


"Y/N!" Chenle runs to me screaming out his lungs. "What?" I ask thinking something bad happened. "I'm accepted for my dream college!" I'm happy for him but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad. This means we're both going to 2 totally different places. I'll be seeing him less than now, that hurts. Really because I like him and he doesn't know. "Aren't you happy?" He asks. "Of course I am, congratulations!" I faked a smile. "Do you already know if you got accepted?" I nod slowly. "I got accepted too."

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you, now we both can make our dreams come true!" I nod silently. "What is it?" He asks confused about my reaction. "I'm going to miss you! We're not going to be around so much anymore." I hug him tight as I try holding back my tears. "I know but that will make it even better when we see each other again. We can tell more stories to each other and we can always call. I will never forget you y/n!" He said this looking right in my eyes.

"Chenle." I said his name in a whisper. "Yes y/n?" We still haven't broken the eye contact. "I love you." I tell him. He was quiet for a bit, just looking at me but then his smile growing wider. "I'm so happy you said that! I love you too!" I never thought he felt the same way I do. I never could imagine this, but it's so amazing! "I'll promise, to love you for soooo long. It doesn't matter how far we're apart." He boops my nose. "Pinky promise?" I ask. He chuckles and we lock our pinkies together.

4 months into college

"Y/n there's someone here for you." My roommate tells me. "What? Who is it? I'm not expecting anyone." I get out of my room and see Chenle standing. "Baby?" I wasn't sure if it's really him or if I was dreaming. "Sweetie!" He opens his arms and I hug him tighter than ever. "Why didn't you say you were coming?" I asked. "I wanted to surprise you!" He smiles proudly. "You sure did that. Omg I'm so happy seeing you again! I love you so much." I didn't let go of the hug, it's been too long since last time I hugged him.

"I love you too sweetie, how have you been?" He asks me. "Tiring. A lot of assignments." He pouts. "Do you still get enough sleep?" I nod. "A couple hours and coffee help me survive." He shook his head. "That's not healthy." We both giggle, knowing he does the same. "But how come you're here? Don't you have classes?" I asked curious. "About that..." he made me more than worried starting his sentence like that. "What happened?" I might regret asking. "I quit school. But I'm working and it's going great, I promise!"

I face palmed myself. "How could this happen?" I asked. "You really want to know?" I shook my head. "Just the most important question. Are you happy and sure you won't regret this decision?" He nods. "I'm happier than when I was at school. And now I can be more with you." He pokes my cheeks. "Why do you always give me small panic attacks?" I joke. "But as long as you do what you like and what you want, it's good." He smiles at me again. "Do you have time to go out now? Grab some lunch and catch up some more." I nod. "I can use a break."

A/N: this took a big turn hehe, but just wanna say: it's okay to fail and always do what you like and want to do! 💚🌱

~A/N: this took a big turn hehe, but just wanna say: it's okay to fail and always do what you like and want to do! 💚🌱

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Every time he smiles he goes like: -‿- and I think that's damn cute💓🥺

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Every time he smiles he goes like: -‿- and I think that's damn cute💓🥺

Every time he smiles he goes like: -‿- and I think that's damn cute💓🥺

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