Word count: 1026Y/N's POV
The mailman rang the bell, I ran to the front door and opened the door all excited. I don't think he ever saw someone so happy with a package. "Can you please sign here?" I quickly do something random with the pen and get the package. "Have a nice day." He said a little freaked out by me. "Thanks, you too." I shut the door and ran to the kitchen. I took a knife and opened the small box. "Y/n who was that at the door?" Johnny, my best friend asked. "Oh calm down with that knife in your hands. You'll hurt yourself." He took the knife out of my hand. "But there's so much tape around the box, I can't get it open." I whine. "Why all the excitement?" Johnny asks helping me with the tape. As he opened the box he knew what's going on.
"You bought the 3 versions?" He asked. "Yes! I need to support my best friend and my favourite k-pop group! Be happy! And this also gives me more chance to get the photo card of my bias." Johnny looks questionable at me unpacking the 3 NEO ZONE albums. "I didn't know you had a bias. Who is it? Why do I even ask, it's me of course." He chuckles at himself. "Nope." He furrowed. "Did you just say nope? I'm not your bias?" I shook my head, opening the album and looking through them. "Oh look, I got Jungwoo in the first one!" I showed him like he has never seen Jungwoo or ever heard of NCT. "Are you still telling me who your bias is?" I didn't answer, I just opened the C version of the album. "Yuta!" Johnny's eyes widened. "Is he your bias?" I shook my head once again. I opened the last album. "Look it's you! Haha how funny, I got my best friend's photo card." I laugh.
"Y/n, stop ignoring my question. Just answer me already. Who's your bias?" Johnny whines until I tell him. "Doyoung is my bias okay." Johnny looks disappointed. "Why not me?" I looked at him with cold eyes. "Are you serious? You're my best friend. I know you personally, you'll know that I'll always support you. You are my best friend, someone I grew up with. Doyoung is my idol. I don't know him like I know you. He's someone that I see as someone I look up to." Johnny hums at my answer and stays silent. I noticed it and pout. "I don't like you being so quiet, you're never this quiet around me." I look him in the eyes. It seems like he almost wants to avoid looking at me. "Let's look at the albums together, you haven't seen any of the pictures yet." He takes my hand and one of the albums. We sit down on the couch and look through all the photos.
"Damn who that handsome here? I pointed at a picture of Johnny. He just chuckles. "Seriously all of you looking amazing!" Johnny smiles proudly. "Let me see." He took the album out of my hands and searches for a certain picture. Johnny shows me another one of his own pictures. "I like you." Johnny didn't let me finish my sentence. "Really? I like you too. I'm happy you think the. Let me guess you haven't finished your sentence?" I nod. "I wanted to say I like you in this picture, you're looking fire." My voice softens. I still wasn't processing what Johnny just said. He confessed to me. "Look I'm sorry. I understand if you want me to leave now." I took his hand before he left. "Don't go." I hug Johnny, both of us not saying a word. He hugs me back and rests his head on top of mine.
"I like you too Johnny." I just said it loud enough for him to hear. "Do you mean it?" I nod. "I'm sorry for making it awkward before." I shook my head. "Don't be sorry. If you didn't interrupt me we'd be still keeping our feelings from each other." I tell him. "You like to go out some time?" He asks. "What about now?" He looks at me then at himself. "I'm in sweatpants and in a way too big sweater. Are you sure you want to go out with me looking like this?" I laugh. "Don't act like you never been out like this before. And by the way I'm also in sweatpants and sweater. We match." He smiles and takes his car keys. "I'm taking you to an amazing cafe with the best coffee!"
"Oh look, they sell NCT albums here." I pointed at a shop we walked by. "You already have the 3 version and every other album from previous comebacks." I smile sheepishly. "Chance to get my bias' photo card." Johnny playfully rolls his eyes. We walked in and chose one of the albums. "This must be the one." I hold it close to me as we walk to the checkout. "Let me pay, you already bought 3 of them." I thanked him and gave him a hug. After we bought the album we went to the cafe, Johnny wanted to go to.
We sat down at the back. "What do you want? I'll go order." I lifted my shoulders. "Surprise me." I smile. Johnny leaves to order. I stared at the little bag next to me. "I want to open it already." I sigh, talking to myself.Johnny stayed away longer than I thought so I decided to already open the album. I looked through it, like I haven't seen the pictures earlier at home. "Oh my!" I squealed forgetting I'm in a public place. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Johnny places the coffees in front of us. I held up the photo card of Doyoung. He sighs. "Are you happy now? Just drink your coffee already." I pout. "Are you jealous?" Johnny shook his head but sighs. "Okay fine, I'm jealous." I hug him tight. "Don't be, I still love you the most."
A/N: so I sort of ordered C version of Neo Zone and Take Over The Moon. It arrived and my mom didn't know about anything. 👉🏼👈🏼 sorry momma, I love my kpop boys.💚🌱Q: who's your NCT bias? (I'm just a curious 16 year old)
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NCT short imagines
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